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目的建立BALB/c小鼠后发性白内障(posterior capsule opacification,PCO)动物模型并检测Sox1/2胚胎晶状体发育调控基因在PCO中的表达。方法腹腔麻醉联合表面麻醉下对30只BALB/c小鼠行右眼晶状体囊外摘出术,分别于术后即刻、3d、1周、2周和1个月对术眼进行裂隙灯显微镜及组织病理学检查,观察PCO形成的时间、部位、发展过程及组织形态学改变;采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法检测Sox1/2胚胎晶状体发育调控基因在术后不同时间点PCO中的表达。结果裂隙灯显微镜观察:后囊膜皱褶、混浊由周边部向中央区发展伴Elschnig小体和晶状体纤维生成,其程度随时间推移日渐加重;再生晶状体形态和大小与正常晶状体相似但透明度明显下降。组织病理学检查:手术后即刻,赤道部和前囊膜下可见单层晶状体上皮细胞(lensepithelialcell,LEC),后囊膜表面无LEC及晶状体皮质残留;术后3d,赤道部LEC增生并迁移至后囊膜,囊袋周边部LEC开始早期纤维分化,但核仍靠近后囊膜表面;术后1周,赤道部LEC继续分化,细胞伸长呈带状伴核远离后囊膜表面;术后2周,周边部晶状体纤维细胞持续增多,形成与正常晶状体赤道部形态类似的弓形带;术后1个月,新生晶状体纤维几乎填充整个残余囊袋,排列欠规则,细胞核罕见。RT-PCR检测:术后3d、1周、2周及1个月的PCO组织中可检测到Sox1/2条带;术后即刻囊袋组织中无Sox1/2表达。结论BALB/c小鼠可成功建立PCO动物模型并检测到Sox1/2胚胎晶状体发育调控基因的表达,为在分子生物学水平上进一步探索PCO的发病机制提供了有利条件,具有重要的应用价值。 Objective To establish an animal model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) in BALB / c mice and to detect the expression of Sox1 / 2 embryonic lens in PCO. Methods 30 cases of BALB / c mice underwent extracapsular lens extracapsular cataract extraction under celiac anesthesia combined with topical anesthesia. Slit lamp microscopy and histology were performed immediately, three, one, two and one month after operation Pathological examination was performed to observe the time, location, developmental process and histomorphology of PCO. RT-PCR was used to detect the expression of Sox1 / 2 embryonic lens in PCO at different time points expression. Results Slit lamp microscopy showed that the posterior capsular folds and turbidity developed from the periphery to the central region with the formation of Elschnig bodies and lens fibers. The extent of the lens was aggravated with time. The shape and size of the regenerated lens were similar to those of the normal lens but the transparency was significantly decreased . Histopathological examination showed that immediately after surgery, single lens epithelial cells (lensepithelialcell, LEC) were found in the equatorial and anterior capsule, and there was no LEC and no lens cortex on the surface of the posterior capsule. After 3 days, LEC in the equatorial part proliferated and migrated to In the posterior capsule, the peripheral LEC of the pouch began early fibrosis, but the nucleus was still close to the surface of the posterior capsule. One week after the operation, the LEC in the equator continued to differentiate and the cord elongation was banding with the nucleus away from the posterior capsule surface. After 2 weeks, the periocular lens fibroblasts continued to increase and formed a similar shape to the equatorial lens of the normal lens. One month after operation, the nascent lens fiber filled almost the entire residual capsular bag with irregular arrangement and rare nuclei. Sox1 / 2 bands were detected by RT-PCR in PCO tissues at 3d, 1, 2 and 1 month after surgery. No Sox1 / 2 was detected in the pouch immediately after operation. Conclusion The animal model of PCO can be successfully established in BALB / c mice and the expression of Sox1 / 2 embryonic lens developmental regulation gene is detected. It is of great value in further exploring the pathogenesis of PCO at molecular biology level.
目的 :在肾必氨注射液 (复合氨基酸 9R注射液 )的基础上改进剂型 ,制备为肾安颗粒。方法 :以肾必氨注射液中的 9种氨基酸为原料 ,加入适量的辅料制成颗粒剂 ,包装即得。结果
目的 :建立泛昔洛韦人体内活性代谢产物—喷昔洛韦血浆浓度测定方法。方法 :采用C18反相色谱柱 ,以0 0 2mol·L-1高氯酸 -甲醇 (4 5 0∶8)为流动相 ,荧光检测波长为λex=2 7
对于时效前或时效后经过喷丸硬化处理的 Al-Cu-Mg(2014A)铝合金进行了平面弯曲疲劳和接触疲劳试验。时效后进行喷丸硬化处理,改善了高周循环范围内的平面弯曲疲劳和接触疲劳
摘自北京科技大学研究生何业东的博士学位论文,导师:张文奇 本文采用熔盐膜电解渗涂和包埋渗两种方法研究了铝—稀土共渗。在对渗铝的基本规律进行研究的基础上研究得到了铝