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机动车污染已成为我国空气污染的重要来源,是造成灰霾、光化学烟雾污染的重要原因。能否解决好机动车污染问题,直接关系到我国大气环境改善的速度与成效。本文论述机动车替代燃料和燃料清洁化的各种方法和趋势,重点讨论了汽油和柴油的品质与机动车排气污染对大气环境质量、人体健康的严重影响。还介绍了燃油添加剂和清净剂对尾气排放的影响,并对燃料替代品的使用和存在的问题作了技术性探讨。文章指出,鼓励发展清洁的替代燃料车,将有助于改善城市环境空气质量,尤其是大城市。 Motor vehicle pollution has become an important source of air pollution in our country and an important cause of smog and photochemical smog pollution. Whether the problem of vehicle pollution can be solved is directly related to the speed and effectiveness of the improvement of the atmospheric environment in our country. This article discusses various methods and trends for the replacement of fuels and fuels by vehicles, focusing on the quality of gasoline and diesel and the serious impact of vehicle exhaust pollution on the atmospheric environment and human health. The effects of fuel additives and detergents on exhaust emissions were also introduced, and the use of fuel alternatives and the problems that existed were also discussed technically. The article points out that encouraging the development of clean alternative fuel vehicles will help improve the ambient air quality in cities, especially in large cities.
本文对项目建设过程中安全检查的内容与方法进行了简述。 This article briefly describes the contents and methods of safety inspection in the process of project con
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
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世界混凝土论坛在推特上发布了世界混凝土500强,这是一个国际水泥和混凝土行业的500强榜单。水泥巨头拉法基(@LafargeGroup)获得第一,哥伦比亚的Cementos Argos(@Cementos_Ar
对于现代通勤一族来说,被一眼望不到头的车流堵在路上无疑是最痛苦的事情之一,但来自卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的学者目前似乎已经找到了已经困扰了我们多