Ambiguous Freedom in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn tells the story of Huck and Jim, a white boy and a black slave, who run away in search of freedom. The first part of this thesis is the literature review. Focus is put on the review of the freedom theme and analysis. The main body starts from the second part which divides Hucks escape into three stages:Hucks aversion and tolerance to the civilized society before escape, his decayed initiative in the pursuit of freedom during the escape and his ret to search for freedom at the end. Through above analysis, the conclusion is reached:Mark Twains view of freedom in this novel is vague and ambiguous, and there are many paradoxes in it. He longs for personal freedom but cannot escape from the secular society. He is willing to resist repressing civilization but unable to revolt its invasion.
该文首先分析了以增压连续式跨音速风洞中,二喉道的工作原理及其动态过程。在考虑压缩机和风洞联合工作的基础上,建立了二喉道工作数学模型。仿真分析了二喉道PID控 制模糊控制
该文阐述了对2.4米风洞攻角和栅指机构的测量内容,详细介绍了测量和校准结果, 最后概述了该项校准工作的实用价值。
This paper reexamined the tragedy of Tess, the heroine of Tess of Durbevilles from the perspective of Marxism by analyz-ing the components of Victorian superstr