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江苏经济南北差异较大,中小企业的创新发展能力也很不平衡,主要表现在企业自身的经营管理、技术水平、人才储备,以及外部的法律政策环境、市场经营环境、社会服务环境等。如何借鉴苏南中小企业创新发展的经验,探寻苏北中小企业创新发展的可行之路,既十分重要又十分紧迫。本文选择了积极拓宽融资渠道、强化要素支持、以及政府协调组织积极开拓市场等来解决苏北中小企业创新资源投入的不足;加快发展新兴产业、支持企业自主创新、加强国际性合作、推进集约集聚发展等来推进苏北中小企业加速转型升级;健全服务体系、政府进一步加大财政扶持力度和减轻中小企业负担、完善相应的法律法规等来优化苏北中小企业创新发展环境的路径,使苏北中小企业创新能力得到提升。 There is a big difference between north and south of economy in Jiangsu Province. SME’s ability of innovation and development is also very uneven. It mainly manifests itself in management, technical level, talent pool, and external legal and policy environment, market management environment and social service environment. How to learn from the experience of innovation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in southern Jiangsu, explore the viable road for innovation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in northern Jiangsu, it is very important and very urgent. This paper chooses to actively broaden the financing channels, strengthen the elements of support, and government coordination organizations to actively explore the market to address the lack of innovative resources for SMEs in northern Jiangsu investment; accelerate the development of new industries, support for enterprise independent innovation, strengthen international cooperation and promote intensive agglomeration Development and other small and medium enterprises in North Jiangsu to accelerate the transformation and upgrading; improve the service system, the government further increase financial support and reduce the burden on SMEs, improve the appropriate laws and regulations to optimize the environment for innovation and development of SMEs in northern Jiangsu so that the North SMEs innovative ability has been improved.
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阳子之宋,宿于逆旅。逆旅人有妾二人,其一人美,其一人恶。恶者贵而美者贱。阳子问其故,逆旅小子对曰:“其美者自美,吾不知其美也; The son of the song, stay in the brigad