
来源 :固原师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzy1023
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正值固原师专建校20周年,《固原师专学报》1998,19(6)特推出校庆专辑,专门发表在固原师专20年的发展中,在教学科研上作出努力付出辛勤劳动的、在学术研究上具有一定造诣的部分师专骨干青年教师的研究论文。这些具有科学求实精神、在学术上善于钻研、在科技事业上乐于奉献的骨干教师现在大多数都相继调离固原师专,目前成为区内外重点大学或其它高校、科研势力雄厚的研究所,甚至国外科研机构的教授、副教授、博士、硕士。但固原师专毕尽是他们起步的地方,有他们血气方刚、挥洒青春时默默耕耘、辛勤劳动、教书育人的足迹,校庆20周年时,曾在这里激扬文符、各抒己见、夜半长灯发奋苦研、实为科技强国的青春之心也随之相聚,相聚在《固原师专学报》自然科学版的每一个式符上,出版了这一期专辑,热烈庆祝固原师专建校20周年。为此,固原师专数学系,还专门举办了建校20周年校庆学术报告会,邀请区内外的师专工作过的学术带头人参加,更是学术浓浓庆校庆。 Coincided with the 20th anniversary of Guyuan Teachers College, “Guyuan Teachers College” 1998,19 (6) special launch album, published specifically in the development of Guyuan teachers in 20 years, teaching and research efforts to pay hard work, In academic research with some accomplishments of the teachers of young teachers research papers. Most of the backbone teachers with scientific and realistic spirit who are good at studying in academy and dedication in science and technology are now mostly transferred from Guyuan Teachers College and now have become key institutes in or out of the region and universities with strong scientific research strength and even Foreign research institutes professors, associate professors, PhD, master. However, Guyuan Teachers’ College is the place where they first started. They have their own flesh and blood. When they give their youth to work hard, they work hard and teach and educate their children. At the 20th anniversary of the celebration, Bitter study, in fact, is the strong heart of science and technology will also be together youthful heart, together in the “Guyuan Teachers College,” the natural sciences of each type symbol, published this issue of the album, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Guyuan Teachers College . To this end, Guyuan Department of Mathematics, also held a special academic anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of academic lectures, invited teachers and teachers working in the region to attend the academic leaders, it is academic enrichment celebration.
本文报告了1000伦r射线全身照射后大鼠血硒含量的动态变化,照射后第1至第11天,血硒含量增加,第1、第3和第9天增加的尤为明显;文章还讨论了血硒含量变化的意义。 This paper
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