凝聚新力量 喜迎十九大

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10月10日,省委常委、省委统战部部长、副省长姜锋出席全国自由职业艺术家“凝聚新力量、喜迎十九大”主题艺术展西安开展仪式。本次展览活动由中央统战部八局、全国文联国内联络部指导,自由职业艺术家自发组织,北京、上海、福建、陕西四省(市)新的社会阶层人士联谊组织主办,汇集了四地及周边省份300余名自由职业艺术家的700余件原创作品参展。展览包括绘画、雕塑、设计、摄影、书法等多种艺术 On October 10, Jiang Feng, member of the Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and Vice Governor Jiang Feng attended the ceremony for the theme art exhibition Xi’an, “Freeing the Forces of the New World and Celebrating the Nineteenth Congress”. The exhibition was organized by the Central Bureau of the United Front Eight, Bureau of National Liaison Department liaison, spontaneous organization of freelance artists, Beijing, Shanghai, Fujian, Shaanxi Province (city) new social class organizations hosted by the four countries and brought together More than 700 original works by more than 300 freelance artists from neighboring provinces attended the exhibition. Exhibition includes painting, sculpture, design, photography, calligraphy and other arts
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