Air-soil exchange of organochlorine pesticides in a sealed chamber

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cerlin
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So far little is known about air-soil exchange under any sealed circumstances (e.g.,in plastic and glass sheds),which however has huge implications for the soil-air-plant pathways of persistent organic pollutants including organochlorine pesticides (OCPs).A newly designed passive air sampler was tested in a sealed chamber for measuring the vertical concentration profiles of gaseous phase OCPs (hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs)).Air was sampled at 5,15,and 30 cm above ground level every 10th day during a 60-day period by deploying polyurethane foam cyhnders housed in acrylonitrile butadiene styrene-covered cartridges.Concentrations and compositions of OCPs along the vertical sections indicated a clear relationship with proximity to the mixture of HCHs and DDTs which escapes from the soils.In addition,significant positive correlations were found between air temperatures and concentrations of HCHs and DDTs.These results indicated revolatilization and re-deposition being at or close to dynamic pseudo-equilibrium with the overlying air.The sampler used for addressing air-soil exchange of persistent organic pollutants in any sealed conditions is discussed.
【摘 要】本篇文章对现代造林技术和营林措施进行了论述,在原有的造林工作基础上提出了改变的方法,对落后的造林和营林技术进行了改进,以此来更好的推动我国造林营林事业的发展。  【关键词】造林技术;营林措施;分析  [Abstract] Afforestation of this article to the modern technology and managing methods discusse
摘要:地下空间开发利用应该规划先行,但现今地下空间在规划编制方面还存在一些问题,本文力图通过从总体规划和详细规划两个层面探讨解决地下空间规划编制中的一些问题,以完善地下空间规划编制体系,充分发挥地下空间的价值。  关键词:地下空间 总体规划 控制性详细规划 修建性详细规划  1、前言  随着人类工业化进程的加快,城市化水平越来越高,城市人口迅速增长,使得城市用地不断扩展,但是用地的扩展远跟不上城市
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