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2003年7月20日,广州一位姓周的老板驾着私家车到花都的别墅去度假,车技不错的他这回却意外地在超车时判断失误与一辆并行的货车擦了一下,自己新车的倒后镜撞碎,车身也花了凹了,幸而他和后座的老婆、儿子都没伤着。回广州后他百思不得其解,一位医生朋友见他正患着重感冒,就提醒他,很可能是因为感冒影响了他开车时的判断力。 许多人只知色盲、深度近视和酒后不宜开车,其实得了感冒或糖尿病等等疾病也不适宜驾车,否则其危险性不亚于酒后驾车。轻度心脏病和心梗愈后良好的人则应小心驾车。 汽车正在走进都市人的家庭,每到周末或长假黄金周,驾车出游更成为了一种时尚,因此开车与疾病的关系,是个越来越值得关注的问题。 July 20, 2003, Guangzhou, a surnamed Zhou boss driving a private car to the villa in Huadu to go on vacation, good car skills, but this time he accidentally overtake judgment error with a parallel truck rubbed a bit, Rearview mirror of his new car crashed, the body also spent concave, but fortunately he and his wife and his wife did not hurt his son. After returning to Guangzhou, he was overwhelmed. A friend of a doctor saw him suffering from a serious cold, reminding him that it was most likely because the cold affected his ability to judge while driving. Many people only know color blindness, depth of myopia and drunkenness should not drive, in fact, had a cold or diabetes and other diseases are not suitable for driving, otherwise the danger is no less than drunken driving. People with mild heart disease and good heart attacks should drive carefully. Car is entering the family of urban people, every weekend or the Golden Week holiday, driving a car has become more of a fashion, so the relationship between driving and disease is an issue of growing concern.
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