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据联合国粮农组织估计,全世界每年被病虫害夺去的谷物收成为20%至40%,由此引起的经济损失每年达1200亿美元。为了对付病虫害,每年要生产200多万吨农药,其中主要是化学农药,农药销售额每年高达160亿美元。化学农药带来许多问题,包括人畜中毒。全世界每年约有200万人农药中毒,其中大约有4万人死亡。而生物农药对人畜安全、无毒、无公害,不污染环境,不杀死害虫天敌,因而生物农药的发展,将具有广阔的前景,将是今后农药发展的新动向。生物农药分为两大类:一类是微生物农药,包括病毒农药、真菌农药、细菌农药;另一类是生物工程植物。从70年代起,应用病毒治虫已从森林害虫发展到农业害虫,巴西农民用病毒农药防治大豆作物的主要 According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the annual grain harvested by pests and diseases in the world is between 20% and 40%, resulting in an annual economic loss of up to 120 billion U.S. dollars. In order to deal with pests and diseases, each year to produce about 2000000 tons of pesticides, mainly chemical pesticides, pesticide sales each year up to 16000000000 dollar. Chemical pesticides cause many problems, including human and animal poisoning. About 2 million pesticide poisonings occur each year in the world, of which about 40,000 are dead. The biological pesticides on human and animal safety, non-toxic, pollution-free, do not pollute the environment, do not kill pests and natural enemies, and thus the development of biological pesticides, will have broad prospects for the future development of pesticides will be a new trend. Biopesticides are divided into two categories: one is microbial pesticides, including viral pesticides, fungal pesticides, bacterial pesticides; the other is bioengineered plants. Since the 1970s, the application of virus pest control has evolved from forest pests to agricultural pests. Brazilian farmers have mainly used virus pesticides to control soybean crops
试验表明,亩用高效氯氰菊酯15~20毫升,对红铃虫防效达698~801%,对棉铃虫药后3、5、7天的防效分别达857~904%,802~810%和741~754%,均明显优于溴氰菊酯。其与辛硫磷混用表现出一定的增效作用 The results sh
花生病虫害种类很多,发生较普遍,危害较重的主要有枯萎病、叶斑病、根结线虫病和花生蛴螬。 1、花生枯萎病 枯萎病是多种病害的总称,俗称“倒秧病”、“死棵子”等。主要包
<正> 21世纪90年代是中国历史上最重要的时期之一。经济以两位数的增长率飞速发展,计划经济迅速向市场经济转变,改革在深化,开放在扩大。党的十四届六中全会以后在全国掀起建
绿尾大蚕蛾的发生与防治胡淼,姜英,成英(江苏省赣榆县农业技术推广中心222100)绿尾大蚕蛾(ActiasseleneningpoanaFelder)又名水青蛾。1994~1995年江苏各地连续大发生,对多种果树和园林植物造成很大损失。一般果树减产2... Occur