Functional coupling of V-ATPase and CLC-5

来源 :World Journal of Nephrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jack_123456
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Dent’s disease is an X-linked renal tubulopathy characterized by low molecular weight proteinuria,hypercalciuria and progressive renal failure. Disease aetiology is associated with mutations in the CLCN5 gene coding for the electrogenic 2Cl~-/H~+ antiporter chloride channel 5(CLC-5),which is expressed in the apical endosomes of renal proximal tubules with the vacuolar type H~+-ATPase(V-ATPase). Initially identified as a member of the CLC family of Cl- channels,CLC-5 was presumed to provide Cl- shunt into the endosomal lumen to dissipate H~+ accumulation by V-ATPase,thereby facilitating efficient endosomal acidification. However,recent findings showing that CLC-5 is in fact not a Cl-channel but a 2Cl~-/H~+ antiporter challenged this classical shunt model,leading to a renewed and intense debate on its physiological roles. Cl- accumulation via CLC-5 is predicted to play a critical role in endocytosis,as illustrated in mice carrying an artificial Cl- channel mutation E211 A that developed defective endocytosis but normal endosomal acidification. Conversely,a recent functional analysis of a newly identified disease-causing Cl~- channel mutation E211 Q in a patient with typical Dent’s disease confirmed the functional coupling between V-ATPase and CLC-5 in endosomal acidification,lending support to the classical shunt model. In this editorial,we will address the current recognition of the physiological role of CLC-5 with a specific focus on the functional coupling of V-ATPase and CLC-5. Dent’s disease is an X-linked renal tubulopathy characterized by a low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria and progressive renal failure. Disease aetiology is associated with mutations in the CLCN5 gene coding for the electrogenic 2Cl ~ - / H ~ + antiporter chloride channel 5 (CLC- 5), which is expressed in the apical endosomes of renal proximal tubules with the vacuolar type H ~ + -ATPase (V-ATPase). Initially identified as a member of the CLC family of Cl- channels, CLC-5 was presumed to provide However, recent findings that CLC-5 is in fact not a Cl-channel but a 2Cl ~ - / H ~ + antiporter challenged this classical shunt model, leading to a renewed and intense debate on its physiological roles. Cl- accumulation via CLC-5 is predicted to play a critical role in endocytosis, as illustrated in mice carrying an artificial Cl- channel mutation E211 A that developed defective endocytosis but normal endosomal acidification. Conversely, a recent functional analysis of a newly identified disease-causing Cl ~ - channel mutation E211 Q in a patient with typical Dent’s disease confirmed the functional coupling between V-ATPase and CLC-5 in endosomal acidification, lending support to the classical shunt model. In this editorial, we will address the current recognition of the physiological role of CLC-5 with a specific focus on the functional coupling of V-ATPase and CLC-5.
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一直有些疑惑,他想借别人的手抛弃婴儿,是对把自己骨肉扔在街头心有不忍,还是一时茫然不知所措。但这些在事后看来都不重要,重要的是他的犹豫不决,让我们在那个暗夜捉住了他。这很不容易,因为以前捡拾过一些弃婴却从未与弃婴者谋面。  按照报警出租车司机的描述,我试着还原一下当时情景:男子抱着一只纸箱子招手拦车,上车后司机问这个神色慌张的男子要去哪里,男子说话有些结结巴巴,说往西边开吧。于是就往西边开,奇怪的