Infrathyroidian hydatid cyst: Diagnostic difficulties and therapeutic management, a case report

来源 :World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjp023
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Hydatidosis is a cosmopolitan anthropozoonose common to humans and many mammals. The cervical localization is rare even in endemic countries. We report a case of cervical hydatidosis located in the infra-thyroidian region. The diagnosis was suspected on clinical and radiological examinations(Ultrasonography, computed tomography-scan). The surgical removal of the cyst was difficult because of the inflammatory tissue around the mass. The confirmation of the diagnosis was obtained by the histopathological examination. During the followup, a local recurrence of the disease was diagnosed after 9 mo treated successfully by surgery. The report was made on the infra-thyroidian region. The diagnosis was suspected on clinical and radiological examinations (Ultrasonography, computed). The diagnosis of cervical spondylosis was rare in endemic countries. The surgical removal of the cyst was difficult because of the inflammatory tissue around the mass. The confirmation of the diagnosis was obtained by the histopathological examination. During the followup, a local recurrence of the disease was diagnosed after 9 months. successfully by surgery.
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