My Birthday

来源 :中学生英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GaryCong
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Today is Friday.It is my thirteen~① birthday.I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.My parents bought me the new clothes for~② my birthday present.I went to school earlier than before.I invited many classmates come~③ to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last.Many of my classmates came to my home.They bought me lots of Today is Friday.It is my thirteen ~ ① birthday.I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.My parents bought me the new clothes for ~ ② my birthday present.I went to school earlier than before. I invited many classmates come ~ ③ to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last.Many of my classmates came to my home.They bought me lots of
摘 要:本文从商标的特征、类型等方面进行剖析,利用音译、直译、意译及音译结合法,翻译出令商家满意的商标,从而吸引更多的消费者。  关键词:商标名称;特征;音译;意译  一、商标的概述  谈及商标我们并不陌生,随处可见。商标是一种符号,是商品生产和加工过程中,以图案等方式来表达商品的内容,通过符号化的语言来展现商品的特色、价值。我国在宋朝已经出现了成熟的商标。随着社会经济的发展,商标已成为商家和企业