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近年来,随着全球化趋势的不断加强,中美两国的交流已逐渐从经济领域跨越到思想文化领域。美剧作为美国文化的一种传播形式,也悄无声息地进入到大众视野当中,其所携带的意识形态与异域思想文化也伴随着美剧的广泛传播而备受国人关注。从上世纪80年代的《加里森敢死队》到90年代的《好友记》,再到后来一炮走红的《纸牌屋》、《国土安全》,大量美剧先后在中国创下了火爆的收视率和超高的点播量,美剧正以强大的渗 In recent years, with the continuous strengthening of the globalization trend, the exchanges between China and the United States have gradually crossed from the economic field to the ideological and cultural fields. As a form of American cultural transmission, the American TV drama has quietly entered the public field of vision. The ideology and exotic culture carried by it have also drawn much attention from the public with the widespread dissemination of the American TV series. From the “Garrison Expendables” in the 1980s to the “Friends of Friends” in the 90’s, and then to the popular “House of Cards,” “Homeland Security,” a large number of American TV sets hit ratings and ultra-popular ratings in China High on-demand volume, the United States is playing a powerful infiltration
Micro vapor chamber(MVC) for light emitting diodes(LEDs) can be designed and fabricated to enhance the heat dissipation efficiency and improve the reliability.
During the formation of sub-wavelength ripples, the initial surface plasmon(SP)-laser interference plays an important role. In this Letter, the effects of grati
Because the polishing of different materials is required in barrier chemical mechanical planarization(CMP) processes,the development of a kind of barrier slurry
A laser diode array side-pumped Nd:glass square rod amplifier of the dimensions 12 mm × 12 mm is designed.The fluorescence is evenly distributed in the Nd:glas
常乐 女,1958年生,教授。专业方向:统计学、数学。曾于1993~1995年留学英国。近几年来在国家级刊物上发表论文多篇,其中,《调和平均数质疑》、《统计学原理三个基本问题的思
怪哉 !一包茶叶居然有“肝胆明目,返老还童,防癌治癌、齿落更生”之神功。惑也 !人竟可悖自然规律而童叟颠反。 Strange indeed! A pack of tea actually have “Hepatobiliar