
来源 :财经界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaalxf
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随着高等教育规模的不断扩张,也使得人们对普通高中教育需求的日益增长,而本已拮据的教育经费在此时就显得更加的捉襟见肘,这在很大程度上制约了高中教育办学条件的改善和教育质量的提高。本文首先分析了高中财务管理中存在的问题,然后具体出了高中财务管理的完善对策:健全教育经费执行监督机构、完善财务内部控制体制、吸引民间资本投资普通高中教育和完善高中教育立法。 With the continuous expansion of the scale of higher education, people are also experiencing an ever-increasing demand for ordinary senior secondary education. However, the shortage of funds that have been expended on education has become even more stretched at this time. This greatly restricts the conditions for running a high school education Improve and improve the quality of education. This article first analyzes the existing problems in high school financial management, and then elaborates the countermeasures of perfecting high school financial management: perfecting supervision system of educational funds implementation, improving financial internal control system, attracting private capital to invest in general high school education and improving high school education legislation.
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【摘要】机械制图是工科专业的一门很重要的专业基础课程,在传统教学中,教师一般采用各种教具做现场演示,给上课带来一定的局限性。现把AutoCAD绘图软件应用到机械制图教学中,能够很好的展现教学思路的全过程,降低学习内容的难度。  【关键词】AutoCAD 机械制图 教学 应用  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)08-0222-01  如何借助计算机技术
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