
来源 :老年人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangtongqc
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在我书房的办公桌上,端正地摆放着一张萧三老人的照片。每当看着老人的笑容,我就会想起过去我与他的交往,以及他对我文学上的奖掖和扶持。正是有了他的教导,我才在文学的道路上不断成长进步。1956年,我正在北京航空学院读书。这年冬天,我冒昧地给萧三这位家乡的文学老前辈寄去几篇不太像样的诗作,想请他提提意见。谁知我的诗寄 On the study desk of my study, I took a photograph of the elder Xiao. Whenever I look at the smile of the elderly, I will recall the past, my contacts with him, and his literature on my incentives and support. It is with his teaching, I continue to grow and progress in the literature on the road. In 1956, I was studying at Beijing Aviation College. This winter, I took the liberty to send Xiao Ge, an ancient literary predecessor in my hometown, several pieces of unusual poems and would like to ask him to raise his opinions. Who knows my poems send
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“人字拖”的童年    她从一生下来就是个典型的“小辣椒”。学会走路的时候,就知道挥着细小的手臂和小朋友争夺自己喜欢的东西。  然而,她这样“麻辣”性格的女孩,却生活在重男轻女的家庭。第一次知道男女的巨大差别是在6岁。过新年时,爸妈带着哥哥高高兴兴地去买新衣服,把她留在家里烫猪食。  她满心欢喜地等待自己的新衣服,却只见妈妈拿出哥哥去年春节时穿的旧衣服对她说,女孩子家要什么新衣服,我给你到隔壁邻居
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