The alternative approach to the GPS investigation on tourists using spaces

来源 :第4届中日韩地理学家学术研讨会暨第12次全国青年地理工作者学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaohui1590
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  Recently,tourism causes major impacts on urban,rural or natural geographical spaces.The present research deals with the investigation method used by GPS (Global Positioning System) trekker.GPS trekkers are increasingly familiar to car users and hikers as an useful aid for recreation and tourism activities.However,the system’s use for research purposes is not common yet,as its accuracy has yet to be proven.A reliable method to analyze the GPS trekkers’ data is also needed.We introduce first the huge improvements of the GPS trekker system’s accuracy during the past 5-6 years.For instance,while the GPS system sold in 2005 could identify a position with an accuracy of ± 15 meters,the new system launched in 2008 can get it within 3 meters.Next,we introduce the results of our comparative survey on the acceptance of GPS investigation of tourists’ use of space.Taking into account the subjects’ differences of cultural background,our survey reaches the conclusion that there is no difference in the degree of acceptance for the GPS system’s use during recreation activities between Japanese in Japan and Western people in Australia.The device can become a very useful tool for understandings tourists’ use of space.Finally,our presentation introduces one such method used for analyzing tourist’s use of space during recreation or tourism,based on GIS (Geographical Information System) kernel density estimation.Results show that tourists belonging to similar demographic groups use tourism spaces in similar ways.The method is also helpful in identifying the factors which influence the tourists’ use of space.For instance,at zoos in Tokyo,five factors: “Site Condition”,“Landform”,“Quality and Distribution of Attractions (Animal Exhibits)”,“Natural Environment” and “Quality and Distribution of Rest Facilities” have been identified.Time differences of tourists’ use of space have also been revealed.In the morning,they are concentrated around major or minor attractions.At lunch time,focus shifts towards rest facilities such as restaurant and shops,while in the afternoon,attractions are followed again by shops.This means tourists’ use of space follows a wave-like pattern.This analyzing method can also bring new information on tourists’ car driving practices.On Fraser Island,Australia,driving tourists reduce speed around crossings and just before getting on the beach side.This could be caused by the fact that many crossing spots and paths between beach and inland are boggy sand surface.So,“Crossing spots” and “Paths between Beach and Inland” are the places suffering negative impacts from 4wd vehicles.Driving practices are also depending on tourist type.Backpackers and local tourists prefer to drive on the beach,but tour buses take the inland roads.
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