脱离监管 风险潜在——对某企业违规行为的案例分析

来源 :财政监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Zoeyha
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2015年,江苏省如东县财政局在开展部分行政事业单位部门预算执行情况检查时,发现如东县残疾人联合会(以下简称残联)有一下属企业,没有按照相关规定在县国有资产监督管理办公室登记备案,也未按照《会计法》设置会计账簿并进行核算,长期脱离于财政、税务、市场管理局等部门的监管之外。检查组对县残联进行部门预算执行情况检查时,按照检查程序进行现金盘点,结果现金盘盈,且差额很大,检查人员进一步对财务保险柜和财务人员抽屉全面清查,发现大量票 In 2015, Rudong Finance Bureau of Jiangsu Province conducted an inspection on the budget implementation of some administrative units and found that Rudong Disabled Persons Federation (hereinafter referred to as the CDPF) had an affiliated enterprise and did not follow the relevant provisions in the county state-owned assets supervision Management office registration, nor in accordance with the “Accounting Law” to set up accounting books and accounting, long-term from the financial, tax, market administration and other departments outside the regulatory. Inspection team County CDPF departmental budget implementation check, in accordance with the inspection process of cash inventory, the results of cash flow surplus, and the difference is very large, the inspectors further financial safe and financial staff drawer a full inventory and found a large number of votes
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