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今年是《中国设备管理》杂志创刊10周年.10年前的今天,在我国进入“七五”计划的第一个春天,《中国设备管理》杂志诞生了.李鹏同志为《中国设备管理》的创刊题词祝贺:“加强设备管理是提高产品质量和增进企业的经济效益的根本保证”.题词体现了国家对全国几百万设备管理与维修工作者的关怀,也为我们指明了工作方向.10年来,《中国设备管理》杂志随着我国社会主义现代化建设的步伐努力奋进.在国家计委、国家经贸委的指导下,在中国设备管理协会的领导下,《中国设备管理》杂志为推进我国设备管理现代化,提高企业设备管理水平,促进国民经济发展作出了自己应有的贡献.在纪念《中国设备管理》杂志创刊10周年之际,谨向全国设备管理与维修工作者,向关心与支持本刊的广大读者,致以最诚挚的感谢!10年来,《中国设备管理》杂志按照协会领导的指示,为创立具有中国特色的现代化设备管理体制服务.我们始终坚持以下目标:第一,坚持为企业服务的宗旨,及时准确地把党和国家的方针政策传达到各级设备管理部门和基层单位,对国内外先进的管理方法和维修新技术、新工艺、新材料及时组织广泛的传播和交流,加快我国设备管理现代化的步伐.第二,坚持理论与实际相结合的原则,开展设备管理与维修理论的探讨,研究实际问题的解决方法 This year marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of “China Equipment Management.” Ten years ago, China’s equipment management magazine was born in the first spring when China entered the “Seventh Five-Year Plan.” Comrade Li Peng as the “China Equipment Management” Start Inscription Congratulations: “Strengthening equipment management is to improve product quality and enhance the economic efficiency of enterprises, the fundamental guarantee.” The inscription reflects the country on the millions of equipment management and maintenance workers care, but also for us to indicate the work direction .10 In recent years, “China Equipment Management” magazine with the pace of socialist modernization drive our country. Under the guidance of the State Development Planning Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission, under the leadership of China Association of Equipment Management, “China Equipment Management” magazine to promote China Equipment management modernization, improve the level of enterprise equipment management, and promote national economic development has made its due contribution in commemoration of “China Equipment Management” magazine 10th anniversary, the National Equipment Management and maintenance workers, to the concern and support The majority of our readers, sincerely thank the 10 years, “China Equipment Management” magazine in accordance with the guidance of the Association We will always adhere to the following objectives: First, we will adhere to the tenet of serving enterprises and promptly and accurately convey the party and state policies and policies to the equipment management departments and grass-roots units at all levels, To domestic and foreign advanced management methods and maintenance of new technologies, new processes, new materials and timely organization of extensive dissemination and exchange to speed up the pace of modernization of equipment management in our country. Second, adhere to the principle of combining theory and practice, carry out equipment management and maintenance Theoretical discussion, research solutions to practical problems
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张洁女士; 在《康乐园》杂志上读到你的信和李凌江先生的文章(见本刊第6期)后,我产生了许多想法,也想跟你说几句。说实话,我对你的苦恼深表关切,同时.也为李凌江先生给你指