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中国加入世界贸易组织(World Trade Organiza-tion),这一话题不久前曾白热化,中外新闻无不聚焦于此。因为,11月份中美两国双边协议历经13年的艰苦谈判终于有了“双赢”的结局,这意味着中国已经踏上了WTO的门坎。尽管12月初WTO在西雅图举行的新一轮谈判没有取得任何结果而散会,致使中国入世再次被耽搁,但入世对中国来说毕竟已经有 China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (World Trade Organization), a topic not long ago, white-hot, Chinese and foreign news are all focused on this. Because in November the bilateral agreement between China and the United States finally reached a win-win outcome after 13 years of hard negotiations, which means that China has embarked on the threshold of the WTO. Although the WTO round of WTO negotiations in Seattle in early December broke up without any result, China’s accession to the WTO was delayed once again. However, accession to the WTO, after all, already has
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It is found through experiments that metallic chromium coating with fine grained and compact crystal structure and high lustre degree can be obtained at near r
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【中图分类号】G4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08-0230—02  走上教师这个工作岗位已有14个春秋,在这14年的教学中,感触颇多。一次偶然的机会,被调到县中心小学任教,校领导对我们这些青年教师也特别重视,经常组织公开教学、听课,领导、同事们在听完我的课后,就给我提建议:一、上课说话的语速太快,学生还没听清楚上一句,我的下一句就蹦出来了;二、上课的语言不够简练
This paper simulates reactive magnetron-sputtering in constant current mode in a Vanadium-O 2 /Ar system equipped with a DC power supply by adopting both kineti