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  Over the six years since the Belt and Road was proposed, remarkable fruits have been reaped in policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bond. Today, as we seek to pursue highquality development, it is a clear-cut and firm goal to realize peace, prosperity, openness, green development, innovation, and civilization.
  It is an inevitable choice for us to pursue high-quality development of the Belt and Road by following a green path, for which President Xi Jinping has reiterated the importance. At the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping stressed that “we will follow the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, support open, clean and green development, oppose protectionism, practise high-standard concepts for people’s livelihood and sustainability, stick to people-oriented development thinking, and embrace a development road that ensures harmonious economic, social, and environmental development.”
  When projects are taking roots along the Belt and Road, we are making solid progress in pursuing green development. In Egypt, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Cambodia,, and other countries, PV industry, wind power generation and vegetable greenhouses are all part of green development, seeking to grow the Belt and Road into a green road.


  Egypt·PV industrial park, the power station in desert

本班光伏产业园是埃及首个由中企承建并参与融资的光伏发电项目(本版图片/新华社 供图)Benban Solar Park is the first solar power project in Egypt to be built and financed by Chinese enterprises

  不久前,埃及投资和国际合作部官方账号在推特上发布了这样一条消息:来自中国的可再生能源企业在埃及完成了三座太阳能发电站的建设工作。这三座发电厂所在的埃及本班光伏产业园是埃及第一个太阳能村。   其中,浙江正泰和特变电工新疆新能源股份有限公司两家中企分别承建了其中165.5兆瓦和186兆瓦两个项目。据了解,园区50%以上的设备和组件来自中国。
  Covering an area of 37km2, Benban Solar Park is located in Aswan Governorate in south Egypt. It is the first PV power generation project undertaken and co-financed by Chinese enterprises. It is estimated that its total installed capacity will reach nearly 2,000 MW this year, well-poised to become one of the largest PV industrial parks in the world. It will enable Egypt to raise the percentage of renewable energy power generation in total power generation to 20% by 2020.
  Southern Egypt is among the driest areas in the world, with annual sunshine duration over 3,000 hours. In the past, Egypt got over 90% power from conventional power generation mode. Yet rising cost of power generation posed huge pressure on both the public and enterprises. Therefore, the country hoped to make full use of its abundant solar resources.
  In August 2015, China and Egypt signed a protocol to prepare the establishment of a joint lab for renewable energy, which marked a significant step in pushing for deeper cooperation in renewable energy.
  Recently, such a message was posted at the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation of Egypt: a Chinese renewable energy enterprise built three solar power plants in Egypt. Benban Solar Park, to which the project belongs, is the first solar energy village in Egypt.
  Within the Park, two Chinese enterprises, CHINT Group and TBEA SunOasis Co., Ltd. have undertaken the 165.5 MW and 186 MW projects respectively. According to reports, over 50% equipments and components in the Park come from China.
  This year, Benban Solar Park will operate at full load.


  Argentina·Loma Blanca wind power project empowers energy mix upgrading of Argentina

罗马布兰卡风电项目现场,中国工程师在视察风机吊装作业Chinese engineers inspect the lifting of wind turbines on the construction site of Loma Blanca Wind Power Project

  The construction of four wind power projects in Loma Blanca, invested by Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd. and undertaken by Power Construction Corporation of China as a general contractor, is well under way. It is expected to be finished later this year. According to the agreement signed with Argentine Wholesale Electricity Market regulator, Chinese side will invest around USD 740 million, including four projects in Loma Blanca, Chubut and one project in the south of Buenos Aires Province. A total of 109 wind power generators will be built. Once completed, the project will have an installed capacity of 350 MW. Chinese enterprises will take charge of maintenance and operation in the coming 20 years.
  In southern Argentine, Patagonia is a vast territory with a sparse population. Its quality wind power resources have attracted global wind power enterprises to make investment. Along the two sides of the road linking airport and Madryn port, you can see rows of windmills as high as 100 meters rotating in the wind.
  Now, the wind power generators of China-Argentine cooperation project, which are lifting and rigging, have towers as high as over 100 meters and blades of 68.6 meters. They can generate power amid a wind speed of 2.5 meters/second. As a source of pride for Chinese engineers, after some 10 years of development, China has ranked among the first echelon worldwide in terms of wind power technology. China’s wind power generation equipment have features like simple structure, low cut-in wind speed, little impact on girds, and high power generation efficiency.
  The wind power generators under construction can basically realize automatic power generation. In case of generator malfunction, codes can be sent to the server of the company automatically. And the company will send personnel to repair the faulted generator. Despite a relatively high initial one-time input, the wind power project entails a quite low cost of operation and maintenance.

斯里蘭卡· 科伦坡城市固体废物处理项目破解斯里兰卡垃圾难题

  Sri Lanka·Colombo urban solid waste disposal project solves garbage problem

斯里兰卡普塔勒姆地区固体废物处理厂施工现场(本版图片/新华社 供图)Construction site of solid waste treatment plant in Puttalam, Sri Lanka

  Undertaken by China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC) and participated by CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. and others, Colombo urban solid waste disposal project was launched in February 2018. With the completion of 7,200 m2 landfill area of Phase I in late February, Sri Lanka’s first solid waste disposal plant now can treat 600 tons of garbage each day. The whole project will be put into use in 2020, and all solid waste of Colombo region will be transferred here for disposal.
  150 km away from capital Colombo and along Puttalam Lagoon in northwest of Sri Lanka, sound of running heavy machinery can be heard in the virgin forest. In the former unused mining pit, a solid waste disposal plant is being built.
  Garbage disposal has always been a hard nut for Sri Lanka government to crack. In 2013, as much as 10,000 tons of wastes were produced each day. This, together with poor disposal equipment and other factors, makes environmental pollution a salient problem.
  According to the project planning, 7,200 m2 landfill area of Phase I has been completed and put into use. Another nearly 100,000 m2 landfill area is under construction. With the joint efforts of China and Sri Lanka, the once severe problem of waste accumulation has been gradually solved, and such projects can be spread to other regions, said a person in charge from Sri Lankan government.


  Tajikistan·China-Tajikistan agricultural greenhouse cooperation project makes Henan seeds sprout in Tajikistan
  如今,示范园已覆盖了从种子加工、耕种、粮食深加工为一体的产业链, 每年为当地培训农业技术人才5000多人次,培养农机手3000多人次,培养蔬菜种植技术人员3000多人次,这里出产的蔬菜在塔吉克斯坦所占市场份额也越来越多。   In Khatlon Bay area, 70km away from Duschanbe, capital of Tajikistan, a white sheet of greenhouses stretches across the expansive mountains and grasslands. This is JingyanYinhai Seed Co., Ltd. winter vegetable planting base in Tajikistan, the first China-Tajikistan agricultural greenhouse cooperation project. Covering an area of 50 hectares, the base has 200-plus greenhouses. It provides 40% of winter tomatoes for Tajikistan market. The base is also among the first China-Tajikistan agricultural cooperation projects along the Belt and road.
  Located in southeast of Central Asia, the Republic of Tajikistan has a population of 8.5 million. With fertile land, the country has seen agriculture as an economic pillar. Yet constricted by technology shortage and low degree of mechanization, the country had been struggling to realize selfsufficiency of food supply.
  As the Belt and Road Initiative exerts greater influence, China-Tajikistan cooperation in agricultural technology extension and application is also developing, and China Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park co-built by China and Tajikistan is being upgraded. During the SCO Summit 2014, China and Tajikistan signed MOU on Co-building China-Tajikistan Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Center. According to the MOU, China-Tajikistan Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Center, undertaken by Jingyan Yinhai Seed Co., Ltd., settled down in Khatlon Bay, Tajikistan.

中塔农业大棚蔬菜种植基地China-Tajikistan Agricultural Greenhouse Vegetable Planting Base

  Currently, the Demonstration Park has covered the industrial chain of seed processing, farming, and grain deep processing. Each year, it provides over 5,000 trainings on agricultural technology, more than 3,000 trainings on agricultural machinery operation, and 3,000-plus trainings on vegetable planting technology. As a result, vegetables planted here account for a growing share of the whole vegetable market in Tajikistan.


  Cambodia·Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2 Dam helps fish go home

桑河二級水电站鱼道Fishway of the Sanghe II Hydropower Station(新华社 供图)

  Completed and put into operation in late 2018, Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2 Dam is the largest hydropower project in Cambodia. It is invested and developed by Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Inc., and is a key project of the Belt and Road and Cambodia energy development. It has a total installed capacity of 400 MW, accounting for 20% of national total; with a length of 6.5 km, its dam is one of the longest in Asia.
  Early April, in Sesan District, Stung Treng Province, Cambodia, Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2 Dam is glistening and its water and the sky merge in one color. Along the right bank of the dam, you can descend along the side dam, with a limpid river winding through the forest. This is the fishway of Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2 Dam.
  The fishway is built along the gully, surrounded by lush trees. In the periods of April - August and November - December, the migratory seasons here, fishes are swimming in the running water.
  Several years ago, the project team found 34 kinds of long-distance migratory fish in environmental impact assessment survey. To accommodate these fish in passing through the area and maintain fish diversity, the team suggested Cambodia to add a fishway project. With a total length of about 2,900 meters, the fishway has a maximum water level difference of 26.5 meters, bottom width of 4-5 meters, and a rest pool at an interval of 800 meters. The construction of the fishway started in April 2017 and nearly eight months later, it was put into use.
  “We have always struck a balance between development and protection, and be alert of the impact of power station construction and operation on the nature and ecological environment, seeking to offer green energy to Cambodia and provide green power for the Belt and Road,” said Yan Xiang, Deputy General Manager of Hydro Power Lower Sesan 2 Dam Co., Ltd.
從成都出发,沿318国道一路逶迤向西,跨越数不清的山岭、江河、草原与冰川,最终抵达拉萨。这条交织着艰险与浪漫、远古与神秘的旅途,即将展开。  日前,由中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司牵头编纂的《川藏铁路勘察设计暂行规定》(征求意见稿),正式对外公布征求意见。文件首次明确披露川藏铁路设计标准为时速200公里,建成后,从成都坐动车去拉萨,将从36小时减少到约13小时!  川藏铁路是公认“最具挑战的铁路工程
俄罗斯总统普京:  俄方致力于同中国深化经贸、农业、金融、科技、环保、通信、基础设施建设等领域合作,加大地方交往,增进教育、文化、旅游等人文交流,希望加快欧亚经济联盟同“一带一路”的对接。  Russian President Vladimir Putin:  Russia is committed to deepening cooperation with China in the fields
2019年,四川外贸达到历史最好水平,全省实现货物进出口总额6765.9亿元,进出口规模居全国第10位,同比增长13.8%,高于同期全国整体进出口增幅。其中,四川对“一带一路”沿线国家进出口达1979.9亿元,同比增长20%。   新年伊始,在成都海关新闻发布会上,一组组上扬的数据将四川2019年经济发展的硕果“端”了出来。数据上扬的背后,是四川立体全面开放建设所释放的巨大红利。   自中共四川省
北京-乌兰巴托-莫斯科,急驰的K3次列车,穿越蒙古戈壁荒漠,沿着色楞格河河谷蜿蜒前行,驰骋在“西伯利亚的蓝眼睛”——贝加尔湖畔,掠过乌拉尔山脉东麓的欧亚大陆界碑……3个国家诸多风情,浓缩于这趟运行了近一个甲子的“神秘东方列车”沿线。  K3次列车于1959年6月4日开行,穿越中国的丰沙铁路、京包铁路、集二铁路、蒙古纵贯铁路及俄罗斯的西伯利亚铁路,全程7692公里。当列车缓缓驶出二连浩特站,穿越灯火
摘要:成都市在推进文旅融合发展实践中,坚持以深化旅游供给侧改革为主线,按照“文化为旅游赋能、旅游为文化塑形”总体思路,根植特色文旅资源优势,创新文旅融合发展机制,探索形成了具有成都特色的文旅融合发展“八大模式”,为推动文旅产业转型升级,加快建设全面体现新发展理念的城市提供有力支撑。  Abstract: In the practice of promoting the integration of
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