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18世纪,山东绅民的抗粮行为常被清廷认为缘自其“民情”兼具“刚狠”和“晓文”的特质,而较少与官府失当联系在一起。嘉道年间,随着州县官吏在田赋征收中盘剥程度的加重,山东绅民时常通过京控渠道进行抗议。但因清廷的整饬始终不见成效,绅民对官府的仇怨持续发酵。至咸丰年间,在州县官因税收压力倍增而继续加重对乡村的盘剥,又未能有效掌控团练的情况下,“恨官久矣”的山东绅民遂借团练之力,频繁而激烈地反抗州县的田赋征收。耐人寻味的是,正是官方自身相信,“吏道之堕”实为团练抗粮的根源,绅民的责任反而获得理解和宽容,提示出当时的吏治危机已相当严重。在一定程度上,山东绅民抗粮动因从“民情”向“恨官”的转变既折射出清王朝自18世纪末开始日渐凸显的吏治危机与官民对立,也预示着晚清以降国家与社会之间的种种冲突。 In the 18th century, the anti-grain behavior of Shandong gentry was often considered by the Qing court as being characterized by its “folklore ” with “rigidly ruthless ” and “Xiaowen ”, and less associated with official misconduct . During the years of Kadoorie, the officials and state officials in Shandong often protest through the Beijing-controlled channels as the officials in the prefectures and prefectures collected the land and increased the level of exploitation. However, due to the unabated success of the Qing court, the gentry’s fervor toward the government continued to be fermented. To Xianfeng years, county magistrates doubled due to tax pressures and continue to increase the exploitation of the countryside, but also failed to effectively control the practice of the group, Fierce opposition to state land tax collection. What is intriguing is that it is the government’s own belief that “the fall of official rankings” is actually the root cause of the anti-grain struggle. The responsibility of the gentry people, on the contrary, is understood and tolerated, suggesting that the official crisis at the time was quite serious. To a certain extent, the reason that Shandong’s gentry and civilians resisted grain motives changed from “public sentiment ” to “hate official ” reflects not only the confrontation between officialdom and government but also the increasingly prominent official crisis of the Qing dynasty since the late 18th century, Conflicts between nations and societies.
本期客座总编辑  韩天衡先生,现任文化部中国艺术研究院中国篆刻艺术院院长、上海中国画院顾问(原副院长),中国石雕博物馆馆长、中国社会科学院研究生院教授等。国家一级美术师,享受国务院特殊津贴。  《检察风云》:尊敬的韩天衡老师,很高兴今天您能接受我们的采访。您的“学艺七十年书画印展”从杭州去到了武汉,继而从武汉回到上海,在上海又经历了上海中国画院的专场,到韩天衡美术馆的开幕,作品数量之多,风格之盛,