
来源 :财务与会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuryun
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在实际工作中,各单位银行存款日记帐同银行对帐单的记录往往不一致,引起不一致的原因不外乎两个方面:一是由于银行存款收支及结算业务繁多,单位和银行记帐都有可能出现差错和漏洞;二是由于收付款的结算凭证在单位和银行之闯传递的时间不一致,这种时间差往往不可避免地造成双方金额不相符的未达帐项。基于上述原因,单位和银行之间要定期对收 In actual work, the records of bank deposit journals of various units and bank statements are often inconsistent. The reasons for the inconsistency are nothing more than two aspects: First, due to the numerous bank deposits and receipts and settlement business, the unit and the bank account are both There may be errors and loopholes; second, because the settlement vouchers for receipt and payment are inconsistent at the time of delivery between the unit and the bank, such time differences often inevitably result in unconfirmed amounts for which the amounts do not match. Based on the above reasons, the unit and the bank must regularly
Interaction between soil pedogenesis, subsurface water dynamics, climate, vegetation and human ingenuity in a desert environment has been found to result in a u
One thing the French do well—probably because it’s instinctive and they don’t need to think about it—is live. The essence of French savoir-vivre is simplicity. Everyday things count: eating, drinking,
每当我跟别人介绍起我家老三在家养过的那些生物——鱼、蟹、虾、红娘华、独角仙、蚱蜢、螳螂、蟑螂、竹节虫、金龟子、蝴蝶、果蝇、乌龟、兔子、小鸟、仓鼠、蛇……以及十几种植物时,大家总会在惊呼后发出同样的质疑:“你怎么能让他花这么多时间做这些无用的事,他哪儿还有时间读书啊?!”仿佛,养这些小东西都是不务正业、不重要的事,只有读书才有用,也是孩子最应该做的。  无用的事会慢慢“发酵”  老三上小学一年级后,
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