纪检组长访谈1:落实“两个责任” 推进“三转”

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落实“两个责任”、推进“三转”是中央的重大决策部署,是当前的重要政治任务。围绕“三转”的要求,工商纪检部门如何落实好“两个责任”(党委负主体责任,纪委负监督责任)?在践行“两个责任”的过程中,有哪些新路子可以探索?探索党委主体责任的新举措天津市工商局纪检组组长李健:我们明确了党组履行党风廉政建设主体责任的三方面工作。一是要求市局、分局两级党组负责组织落实党风 The implementation of “two responsibilities” and the promotion of “three turnovers” are major decisions and plans deployed by the Central Government and are currently the major political tasks. In the course of practicing “two responsibilities ”, the discipline inspection department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry met the requirements of “three transfers” and how to implement the “two responsibilities” (the responsibility of party committees and the supervision of disciplinary inspection committees) What new approaches can be explored? A new measure for exploring the main responsibilities of party committees Li Jian, head of the discipline inspection team of Tianjin Industry and Commerce Bureau: We have clearly defined the three aspects of the party’s responsibility to fulfill the party’s work style and clean government. First, require the Municipal Bureau, branch level two party groups responsible for organizing the implementation of the party style
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