违法违纪必受追究 重塑检察官新形象 吉林省检察机关开展集中教育整顿

来源 :吉林人大工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leneyao
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从去年开始,吉林省检察机关开始了为期三年的检察队伍集中教育整顿。今年三月下旬,开展以自身反腐败为主要内容的教育整顿工作。这次教育整顿的目的是,切实解决检察队伍中存在的有法不依、违法办案等群众反映强烈的突出问题,以执法大检查为突破口,集中整顿执法活动中存在的问题,努力实现广大干警思想觉悟和廉洁意识的普遍提高,执法活动中的腐败问题得以揭露,腐败分子得到惩处。通过教育整顿,努力建设一支政治可靠、业务精通、纪律严明、作风过硬、忠于职守、廉洁奉公,能够担当起跨世纪重任的、高素质的检察队伍。省检察院决定,今年5~8月份,以人大代表和社会各界意见作为加强和改进检察工作的动力,进一步加强全省检察机关集中教育整顿工作的力度,切实解决好检察队伍和检察工作中存在的突出问题,更好地为党和国家工作大局服务,树立检察机关的良好形象。 Since last year, the procuratorial organs in Jilin Province have started a three-year intensive education and rectification by procuratorial teams. In late March of this year, it carried out education and rectification work with its own anti-corruption as the main content. The purpose of this education reorganization is to earnestly solve the outstanding problems that the masses such as the law enforcement officials and the handling of illegal activities that the procuratorial ranks have to face are intensely reflected. Taking the large-scale enforcement of law enforcement as a breakthrough point, we will concentrate our efforts on rectifying the problems in law enforcement activities and strive to bring about a broad range of cadres’ thinking The general awareness of enlightenment and integrity has been raised. Corruption in law enforcement activities has been uncovered and corrupt elements have been punished. Through education and rectification, efforts should be made to build a high-quality procuratorial team capable of assuming the important task of transcending the century with the purpose of being politically reliable, proficient in business, disciplined, capable, and loyal to the public. Provincial Procuratorate decided that from May to August this year, NPC deputies and people from all walks of life should be regarded as the motive force to strengthen and improve procuratorial work, to further strengthen centralized education and rectification work of procuratorial organs throughout the province, and earnestly solve the problems existing in procuratorial work and procuratorial work Give prominence to problems, better serve the overall interests of the party and the state, and establish a good image of procuratorial organs.
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