
来源 :浙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vrace_zh
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丰产的实践早已证明,合理的密植程度是提高油菜单位面积产量的关键性措施。密植可以保证在单位面积上有足够的株数,增加绿色面积,在保证个体有适当营养条件下,最大限度地利用光能和地力,以制造和积累更多的有机物质,达到荚多、荚大,获得高额丰产。为了探求油菜的合理密植范围和技术经验,找出合理密植增产的科学根据,从而确定与本地区栽培条件相适应的合理密度,我们除在各地进行了一些调查研究工作外,并在马山本所进行了密植试验。试验设在前作为连晚猪毛簇的水田中。深耕8寸后作深沟高畦。于1959年10月5日播种,11月7日移植。小区面积180平方尺,重复2次。在移植时每亩使用60斤菜籽并粉作基肥施入穴中。试验处理共分 The practice of high yield has long proved that a reasonable degree of close planting is a key measure to increase yield per unit area of ​​rapeseed. Close planting can guarantee a sufficient number of plants per unit area, increase the green area, to ensure that individuals have the proper nutrition conditions, to maximize the use of light and soil to create and accumulate more organic matter, to reach more pods , Access to high yield. In order to explore the rational rapeseed planting density range and technical experience, to find out the scientific basis for close planting density, in order to determine the reasonable density and adapt to the cultivation conditions in the region, in addition to some research work carried out in various places, Conducted a close planting test. The experiment was set in a paddy field with late pig tufts. After deep plowing 8 inch deep trench Gaocheng. Sown on October 5, 1959 and transplanted on November 7. Area of ​​180 square feet, repeat 2 times. Use 60 pounds of rapeseed and powder for basal application into the acupuncture points at the time of transplanting. Test treatment is divided
目的: 经过临床观察并通过相关统计学分析拟探求: 血液流变学(全血粘度:低切中切高切血浆粘度) 血脂总胆固醇甘油三酯高密度脂蛋白低密度脂蛋白经颅多普勒PI值与脑动脉硬化症
注释①若个:哪个。东方虬是武则天的左史。流传到今天的只有四首诗,但是他的这四首诗都构思很巧妙,很有意境。 Notes ① if: Which. Oriental 虬 is the left history of Em
[目的]研究四君子汤对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者急性发作期氧化和抗氧化失衡的影响。 [方法]对照组15例予西医常规治疗;中药组15例在西医常规治疗的基础上,予四君子汤为主方内服
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