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由福建省委宣传部联合有关单位摄制的32集电视剧《绝命后卫师》开播以来,好评如潮。电视剧据实描述了客家儿女组成的红三十四师为完成掩护红军主力突围浴血奋战、英勇牺牲震撼人心的悲壮故事。这是电视剧艺术第一次纪实性描写这支英雄部队,它体现了革命英雄主义与革命浪漫主义相结合,思想性、艺术性、观赏性俱佳,被认为是一部具有强烈艺术感染力的优秀电视剧作 Fujian Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department jointly produced by the relevant units of the 32 episodes of television drama “absolutely deadly division” since the start, rave reviews. The TV series actually describes the tragic story of the Red 34 division formed by Hakkas children in order to cover the Red Army’s main breakthrough in bloody battles and heroic sacrifices. This is the first time drama art has portrayed this heroic unit as a documentary. It shows the combination of revolutionary heroism and revolutionary romanticism, ideological, artistic, and ornamental. It is considered as an excellent drama with strong artistic appeal Make
The systematic chemical compositions including common C, Si, Mn, Al, and micro-alloying elements of Ti and Nb were designed for high volume fraction of retained
近年日本汽车行业为减轻汽车重量和降低成本 ,措施之一是采取液压成形 ( HF) ,并引起关注。由于 HF是钢管加工比较复杂的加工方法 ,新日本制铁公司研究了钢管机械性能对 HF成
那个人,当然是你。如果让我选择一同在雨中跳舞的人,那个人也是你。因为,我是你的女孩。 That person, of course, is you. If you let me choose to dance together in the
By Combining quasi-steady lifting line theory of propeller in wake field with 2-D cavitating cascade theory, a practical method has been presented and its comp
目的 :研究各年龄组正常人血清总前列腺特异性抗原 (TPSA)、游离前列腺特异性抗原 (FPSA)、前列腺酸性磷酸酶 (PAP)和F/TPSA比值的正常值范围以及与年龄的相关性 ,并探讨其联
介绍了二滩拱坝安全监测监理过程中的质量控制,以及对一些具体问题的处理。 The quality control of Ertan arch dam safety monitoring and supervision process and some s