
来源 :水利天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dorawu
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三江平原地势低平、土地连片、土壤肥沃。但是由于洪、涝、渍的影响,粮食产量很低,效益不高,为此.黑龙江省三江平原水利试验站的科技人员从80年代就开始了地下暗管排水的试验。近年来,根据国内外经验结合当地实际情况,采取一种缝、沟、管网络进行组合排水的方法,收到了? Sanjiang Plain low-lying, contiguous land, fertile soil. However, due to floods, floods and stains, the output of grain is very low and the returns are not high. Sanjiang Plain Water Experimental Station in Heilongjiang Province, science and technology personnel from the 80’s began underground pipe drainage test. In recent years, according to the experience at home and abroad combined with the local actual situation, to take a seam, ditch, pipe network drainage combination method, received?
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