
来源 :佳木斯医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhou0168
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作者在做课题时发现博赫达勒克氏(Bochdalek)先天性膈疝1例,现报告如下。胎儿女性,胎龄为7个月。本例为无脑畸形并发脊柱裂,打开胸腹腔,腹膜和胸膜壁层与体后臂连通,二者间没有界线。左侧膈肌大部缺如,腹腔之胃、胰、脾及部分小肠突入胸腔左侧,小肠位于穿入脏器的前面,突入胸腔之脏器表面有半透时之薄层包膜。由于左侧膈疝的挤压,胸腔脏器已被挤向右侧,纵隔明显右移,心脏紧贴右侧胸壁前方,双肺发育不良,已移至心脏后侧。对博赫达勒克先天性隔疝记载的并不多。此疝的特征是在胚 The authors found a case of Bochdalek (Bochdalek) congenital diaphragmatic hernia in 1 case, are reported as follows. Fetal female, gestational age of 7 months. This case of anencephaly complicated by spina bifida, open the thoracoabdominal cavity, peritoneum and pleural parietal and body posterior communicating, there is no line between the two. Most of the left lack of diaphragm, abdominal stomach, pancreas, spleen and part of the small intestine into the left side of the chest, the small intestine is located in front of penetrating organ, into the thoracic organ surface translucent thin layer capsule. Due to compression of the left diaphragmatic hernia, the thoracic viscera has been squeezed to the right, the mediastinum has shifted to the right, the heart clings to the front of the right chest wall, and the lungs have stunted and have moved to the posterior side of the heart. There are not many documented records of Bohendalcon’s hernias. This hernia is characterized by embryos
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小笛姐姐: 小学时的我,是班级的文艺委员,无论是参加学校文艺演出还是班级主题班会,都少不了我的份,而且我还为班级得过不少荣誉呢。进入初中后,我知道学习的紧张和竞争的激
誂例1 得分率:10%错因:思维家庭电路中的保险丝断了,下列做法中正确的是().A.用铜丝代替B.为了保险,选择尽量粗的保险丝代换C.选择额定电流等于或稍大于电路中最大正常工
在法国被称为RU486的使用方法为服用RU486后的2~3天加用前列腺素。与手术流产相比,药物流产更具优势,但妊娠晚期不适合使用。 洛杉机的“太平洋妇女健康研究所”着手对美国妇
A series of Ba/CeO2 catalysts with different Ba loading amounts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation.Their NOx adsorption behaviors under NO and NO+O