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本文从鲁迅《故乡》与松本清张《父系的手指》等作品的比较中,获得阅读清张文学的新视点,认为清张的《父系的手指》可以看作是私小说,并且是在鲁迅《故乡》的三段构架基础上将其复杂化,而写成六个部分的,而在思想上,《父系的手指》针对鲁迅《故乡》从贫苦阶层给予了回答。此外,本文还考察了《故乡》中的“盗窃案”与清张文学从私小说到推理小说展开路径之间的关系,并认为可以以此反观鲁迅小说从《故乡》到《阿Q正传》的展开线索。 This article obtains a new viewpoint of reading clear-cut literature from the comparison between Lu Xun’s “Hometown” and Matsumoto’s “Patriarchal Finger” and holds that Qing’s “finger of the patriarchal” can be regarded as a private novel, Based on the three-part structure of “Hometown”, it is complicated and written in six parts. Ideally, the “finger of the patriarchal family” answers the questions from the poor people in Lu Xun’s “Hometown.” In addition, this article also examines the relationship between “theft” in “Hometown” and the path of Qing Zhang literature from private novels to inference fictions and holds that Lu Xun’s novels can be seen from the “hometown” to “Ah Q Founder ”clues to start.
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