Analysis of risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity

来源 :International Journal of Ophthalmology(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhenx06
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· AIM: To analyze the incidence and risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). · METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 568 premature infants from September 2005 to December 2010 with birth weight(BW) equal to or less than 2 500g or a gestational age(GA) at birth of 34 weeks or less. All of the members were examined by indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy. · RESULTS: ROP occurred with an incidence rate of 10.7% among 568 premature infants, and stages 3 and above ROP occurred with an incidence rate of 2.5%. This study showed the infants were more prone to develop ROP with short geststional age, low BW, long time of oxygen inhalation, and severe infants diseases. Twins had a significantly higher rate of ROP(18.3%) than singleton babies(9.8%), ROP were severer in twins than singleton babies . · CONCLUSION: Short GA, low BW, long time of oxygen inhalation, severe infants diseases, and non-singleton babies were the most significant risk factors associated with ROP. · · AIM: To analyze the incidence and risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). · METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 568 premature infants from September 2005 to December 2010 with birth weight (BW) equal to or less than 2 500 g or All gestures of at birth of 34 weeks or less. All of the members were examined by indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy. RESULTS: ROP occurred with an incidence rate of 10.7% among 568 premature infants, and stages 3 and above ROP occurred with an incidence rate of 2.5%. This study showed the infants were more prone to develop ROP with short geststional age, low BW, long time of oxygen inhalation, and severe infants diseases. Twins had a significantly higher rate of ROP (18.3%) than Singleton babies (9.8%), ROP were severer in twins than singleton babies. CONCLUSION: Short GA, low BW, long time of oxygen inhalation, severe infants diseases, and non-singleton babies were the most significant risk factors associated with ROP. ·
最近,海洋动物们一提起10号大道就十分恐慌。原因是不久前,鱼虾们经过这儿时接二连三地晕倒,幸好都被及时抢救,没有发生生命危险。一时间谣言四起,有的说一条拥有神秘力量的海怪霸占了10号大道,不允许鱼虾们经过那里;有的说外星人闯入了海底,准备把大家弄晕后用来做实验……  海马探长才不相信这些鬼话哩!他去探访受害者,大家都说晕倒的一瞬间什么都没看见,只觉得全身麻木,十分疼痛,接着就不省人事了。了解到这些
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1995年1月20日上午10点半左右,黑龙江省哈尔滨市。 一辆白色桑塔纳轿车从南往北缓缓驶过,停在买卖街一家信用社旁边。车后座下来一个瘦瘦的南方人, January 10, 1995 10:30
个人小档案  乔毅博,男,9岁,现为太原市新西小学三年二班学生。  5岁半开始学架子鼓,曾在2007年4月荣获太原市教育局举办的打击乐比赛幼儿组一等奖,2008年11月荣获山西省第三届星畅鼓手节最佳快手一等奖,2010年4月荣获太原市第二十届学校艺术教育活动月爵士鼓比赛1-3年级组一等奖。  6岁开始学围棋,2009年7月被中国围棋协会授予围棋业余三段称号。学习成绩优秀,多次被评为“三好学生”、“
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