
来源 :河北教育(德育版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l521wubing
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主题班会是在班主任的指导下,针对班级出现的某些问题或教育需要引导的方向,围绕某个主题展开的班级活动。主题班会是学校德育的主要阵地之一,是班主任开展工作的有效途径,是加强师生交流、推进集体进步的主要手段。如何有效开展主题班会、发挥其应有作用,更是每一位班主任应该思考的问题。据此,本文将针对这个问题,简要分析班主任在主题班会中 Under the guidance of the teacher in charge of the class, a class session will focus on some of the problems that occur in the class or the direction of education needs. The class activities are organized around a certain topic. The theme class will be one of the main positions for school moral education and an effective way for the class teacher to carry out his work. It is also a major means of enhancing the exchange between teachers and students and promoting collective progress. How to effectively carry out the theme class meeting and give full play to its due role is something that every headteacher should think about. Accordingly, this article will address this issue, a brief analysis of the class teacher in the theme class meeting
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