Magnetically induced phase separation in the fcc phase and thermodynamic calculations of phase equil

来源 :材料与冶金学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XPTRY
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Two-phase equilibria between the ferromagnetic fcc and the paramagnetic fcc phase from 800 ℃ to 900 ℃ in the Co-rich region have been detected by the diffusion couple technique. Two phase separation region of the fcc has been confirmed along the Curie temperature.The phase equilibria including the present results and the thermodynamic data of the Co-Cr system reported in the literature were analyzed on the basis of the thermodynamic evaluation. A set of thermodynamic values for the liquid, fcc, hcp, bcc, sigma phases was obtained. The calculated phase equilibria were in good agreement with most of the experimental data. Two-phase equilibria between the ferromagnetic fcc and the paramagnetic fcc phase from 800 ° C to 900 ° C in the Co-rich region have been detected by the diffusion couple technique. Two phase separation region of the fcc has been confirmed along the Curie temperature. phase equilibria including the present results and the thermodynamic data of the Co-Cr system reported in the literature were analyzed on the basis of the thermodynamic evaluation. A set of thermodynamic values ​​for the liquid, fcc, hcp, bcc, sigma phases was obtained. The calculated phase equilibria were in good agreement with most of the experimental data.
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一  虚竹和梦姑,如果换了在其他任何地方见面,都不会在一起。  小和尚虚竹,全是靠一己肉身、一片禅心在坚持。  天山童姥要逼他破戒开荤,饿他的饭。虚竹就九天九夜不食,只咬冰解渴,可以说心如铁石,难以动摇。而反过来,在平时任何地方,银川公主也绝不会看上虚竹这个厚嘴唇、招风耳、磨磨叽叽的和尚。  所以金庸把他们流放到一个大冰窖里去。  在这里,俗世的喧嚣被隔绝了,暮鼓晨钟听不到了,他们一切的身份标签、
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