n-Pentylamine-intercalated layered perovskite-type oxide

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glei66
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A novel n-pentylamine-intercalated layered perovskite-type oxide, C5H11NH3-Sr2Nb3O10, was prepared and characterized by using XRD, FT-IR, Raman spec-trascopy, and elemental analysis. It was shown that the intercalated n-pentylamine adopted a bilayer formation with some overlap and tilt, and the lattice of the perovskite layer was distorted due to the intercalation of n-pentylamine. The as-prepared sample gave clear electric hysteresis loop and did not show fatigue after 1011 switching circles, and therefore, could be considered as a new kind of fatigue-free ferroelectric materials. A novel n-pentylamine-intercalated layered perovskite-type oxide, C5H11NH3-Sr2Nb3O10, was prepared and characterized by using XRD, FT-IR, Raman spec-trascopy, and elemental analysis. It was shown that the intercalated n-pentylamine adopted a bilayer formation with some overlap and tilt, and the lattice of the perovskite layer was distorted due to the intercalation of n-pentylamine. The as-prepared sample gave clear electric hysteresis loop and did not show fatigue after 1011 switching circles, and therefore, could be considered as a new kind of fatigue-free ferroelectric materials.
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