
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq2009liuwei
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本月6日立夏,21日小满。本月平均温度18.6℃(23.4—14.8℃)。红五月是一年开花最多的月份。古称农历四月十四日为菖蒲节。 (一)培管 (1)加强花期管理:松土,除草,浇水,施肥,疏蕾。(2)遮风避雨,保花座果:如金桔、火棘、香圆等。(3)花后追肥:如桃花,梅花、牡丹、郁金香等。(4)采取种子:仙客来、郁金香、瓜叶菊、松叶菊、矢车菊、金盏菊、雏菊、香豌豆、报春花、桂竹香、三色堇、百子莲。(5)遮荫:山茶、杜鹃、珠兰、瑞香、文竹、朱蕉、仙客来、鹤望兰、文殊兰、棕竹、 On the 6th of this month, the beginning of summer, full of small on the 21st. The average monthly temperature of 18.6 ℃ (23.4-14.8 ℃). Red May is the year with the largest flowering. The ancient calendar on April 14 for the iris festival. (A) Training Management (1) to strengthen the flowering management: Loosening, weeding, watering, fertilizing, bud-thinning. (2) shelter from the wind, Paul flowers Fruit: such as kumquat, firethorn, incense and so on. (3) Flower Topdressing: such as peach, plum, peony, tulips and so on. (4) take the seeds: cyclamen, tulips, cineraria, chrysanthemum, cornflowers, calendula, daisies, sweet peas, primrose, Guizhu Hong, pansy, lotus seed. (5) shading: Camellia, rhododendron, Zhushan, Rui Hong, Wen bamboo, Zhujiao, cyclamen, Strelitzia, Manjuslan, brown bamboo,
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