Analysis on the Content of Reducing Sugar and Total Sugar in the Fruits of Capparis spinosa L.

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yh124712
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[Objective]To analyze the content of reducing sugar and total sugar in the fruits of Capparis spinosa L. [Method]3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid method waschosen to test the content of reducing sugar and total sugar in the fruits of Capparis spinosa L. [Result]Results showed that the content of reducing sugar extractedby hot-water ( 100 ℃ ) was about 11. 6% and temperature of water had obvious effect to the results. The content of total sugar was about 24. 5% . [Conclusion]The reducing sugar and total sugar were all relatively higher in the fruits of Capparis spinosa L. ,which indicated that they would have a good development perspective. [Objective] To analyze the content of reducing sugar and total sugar in the fruits of Capparis spinosa L. [Method] 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid method was chosen to test the content of reducing sugar and total sugar in the fruits of Capparis spinosa L. [ [Result] Results showed that the content of reducing sugar extracted by hot-water (100 ° C) was about 11. 6% and temperature of water had obvious effect to the results. The content of total sugar was about 24. 5%. [Conclusion ] The reducing sugar and total sugar were all relatively higher in the fruits of Capparis spinosa L., which indicates that they would have a good development perspective.
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