发展中医专科 振兴祖国医学事业

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1 发展中医专科势在必行 中医药是中华民族的文化遗产,是历代劳动人民长期同疾病斗争的经验结晶,有其独特的完整的理论体系和丰富的内涵,经受了长期医疗实践的检验。现代医学对中医既不能包揽,也不能替代,而只能彼此取长补短。我们在卫生发展战略、卫生事业规划、卫生资源配置、卫生立法等各个方面,都充分体现了中西医并存、并重、并举的方针。现代医学是当今发展最迅速的学科之一,新理论、新学说、新仪器、新设备、新方法日新月异。面对现代医学突飞猛进的发展形势,中医事业的发展应该走怎样的道路? 1 The development of TCM specialties is imperative Chinese medicine is the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. It is the experience of the working people’s long-term struggle against disease. It has its unique and complete theoretical system and rich connotations. It has withstood the long-term medical practice test. Modern medicine can neither be taken over by Chinese medicine, nor can it be replaced, but can only complement each other. We fully embody the principles of coexistence, consideration, and promotion of Chinese and Western medicine in all aspects such as health development strategy, health program, health resource allocation, and health legislation. Modern medicine is one of the most rapidly developing disciplines today. New theories, new theories, new instruments, new equipment, and new methods are changing with each passing day. Facing the rapid development of modern medicine, what kind of path should be taken for the development of Chinese medicine?
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痛证在内、儿、妇、外各科频为常见,“金元香丹汤“(家传方)临床应用20余年,对痛症常获良效。1 方药组成 方药:郁金15g,元胡24g,香附15g,丹参24g,当归12g,乌药12g,生山楂12g。郁金即解气郁,又解血郁;元胡活血行气,即
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近年来 ,我们在病房和门诊收治心脑血管疾病 47例 ,取得了较好疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料冠心病 2 3例 ,脑出血后遗症 4例 ,脑血栓后遗症 6例 ,轻度脑梗塞 14例 ;患者 :