Study on Repeated Selection of Rubus chingii Hu Superior Individuals and Their Demonstration and Ext

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[Objective] To provide scientific evidence for repeated selection of Rubus chingii Hu superior individuals and their extensive plantation. [Method] The plants characteristics, growth habit, flowering habit and fruiting habit of primary selected ten Rubus chingii Hu superior individuals were investigated, and the individuals that could not meet the standard of superior plants were eliminated. Then the superior plants at different maturation period were screened out by comparing different individuals. [Result] The selected superior individuals of Rubus chingii Hu were determined to be No.7 (late-maturation, long fruit), No.6 (early-maturation, round fruit) and No.4 (mid-maturation, round fruit). [Conclusion] The popularization and application of three superior Rubus chingii Hu individuals screened out in this study will be promising. [Objective] To provide scientific evidence for repeated selection of Rubus chingii Hu superior individuals and their extensive plantation. [Method] The plant characteristics, growth habit, flowering habit and fruiting habit of primary selected ten Rubus chingii Hu superior individuals were investigated, and the individuals who could not meet the standard of superior plants were eliminated. Then the superior plants at different maturation period were screened out by comparing different individuals. [Result] The selected superior individuals of Rubus chingii Hu were determined to be No. 7 (late- maturation, long fruit), No.6 (early-maturation, round fruit) and No.4 (mid-maturation, round fruit). [Conclusion] The popularization and application of three superior Rubus chingii Hu individuals screened out in this study will be promising.
摘要:我国在加入WTO以后,建筑市场竞争变得尤为激烈,成本控制成为各建筑企业在市场竞争中的核心武器。本文从建筑工程管理成本控制的现状入手,结合在成本控制中出现的问题,分析原因,并提出有效的解决策略,为目前建筑工程管理中出现的问题提供有益的参考。  关键词:建筑工程;成本控制;企业管理  近年来,各大建筑施工企业在保证建筑工程质量,保证建筑工程施工进度的前提下,为了增强企业的核心竞争力,越来越重视建
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