
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lalabingku
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从84年开始采用鱼角膜移植治疗单疱病毒性角膜炎15例15只眼,随访观察1—7年,效果较为满意,现报告如下。15例患者,男13例,女2例,男:女为6.5:1,均为单眼,年龄16~70岁,平均43.4岁。工人5例,农民8例,干部1例,学生1例。右眼5例,左眼10例。本文病例每次复发均有不同诱因,如感冒、发热、疲劳等。反复发作2次5例,发作5次2例,发作10次7例,14次1例。病程1—16年。4例浅实质层稳定期,除留有角膜混浊外,炎症基本静息。多次发作的角膜 From 84 years of fish corneal transplantation in the treatment of 15 cases of herpes simplex virus keratitis in 15 cases, followed up for 1-7 years, the effect is more satisfactory, are as follows. 15 patients, 13 males and 2 females, male: female 6.5: 1, are monocular, aged 16 to 70 years, mean 43.4 years old. 5 workers, 8 peasants, 1 cadre and 1 student. Right eye in 5 cases, left eye in 10 cases. In this case, each recurrence has different incentives, such as colds, fever, fatigue and so on. 2 recurrent episodes in 5 cases, episodes in 5 cases in 2 cases, 10 episodes in 7 cases and 14 cases in 1 case. Duration of 1 - 16 years. 4 cases of simple real layer of stable, in addition to leaving a corneal opacity, the basic resting inflammation. Multiple episodes of the cornea
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