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赵武是春秋时期晋国大臣赵朔的儿子。当年,因为屠岸贾专权独断,惧怕忠臣揭穿自己的野心,就想方设法要除掉他们。当时,在晋国非常有威望的赵朔就是屠岸贾迫害的对象之一。屠岸贾设计诬陷赵朔得逞,国君下令灭掉赵朔的九族,眨眼之间,赵家的人都被杀死了。当时,赵朔的妻子在娘家坐月子,两个月大的婴儿才侥幸躲过了杀身之祸。 Zhao Wu was the son of Zhao Jing, the minister of Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, Tuan Anjia tried his best to get rid of them because he was in a position of arbitrary control and feared that loyalists exposed their ambitions. At that time, Zhao Tong, who was very prestigious in Jin, was one of the objects of Tu’s persecution. Tu Anjia’s design was framed by Zhao Lan, and the monarch ordered the extermination of the nine tribes of Zhao Ji. In the blink of an eye, the Zhao family was killed. At that time, Zhao Hao’s wife was confined to her mother’s home and the two-month-old baby was lucky enough to escape the fatal disaster.
West African countries are currently suffering the most severe pandemic of Ebola virus disease ever recorded,with4269 human cases and 2288 deaths(through 6 Sept
AIM:To review the current literature for the specificclinical characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis(P
例1.如图1所示,人的眼睛位于O点,通过平面镜MN观察周围事物,求眼睛可观察到事物的区域.分析和解:本题可利用光路的可逆性求解,将 Example 1. As shown in Figure 1, the hu
在初中英语中 ,Therebe结构经常用到 ,也很重要 ,对初学者来讲有些并不清楚 ,故我们一起来探讨一下。1、There +be +主语 +地点 (时间 )状语表示“在什么地方 (时间 )存在什