Investigation on the Free and Restrained Shrinkage of Self-compacting Concrete

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mysunmoon
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A novel ellipsis-ring cracking apparatus with an automatic monitoring system was used to measure the restrained shrinkage and initial cracking time of self-compacting concrete (SCC). The free shrinkage, restrained shrinkage and strength were integrated to evaluate the effect of the mineral admixtures and content of cementitious materials on shrinkage of SCC. The experimental results show that the initial cracking time of SCC incorporating fly ash was delayed, the shrinkage value and rate was reduced. The hydration achievement of silica fume increased free shrinkage and reduced initial cracking time of FA-SCC comparing to control sample, but silica fume improved the mechanical properties of FA-SCC in early age. As same strength, with the reducing the content of cementitious materials, the initial cracking time of SCC delayed and cracking sensitivity decreased markedly, especially when the content of cementitious materials achieve 450 kg/m3. A novel ellipsis-ring cracking apparatus with an automatic monitoring system was used to measure the restrained shrinkage and initial cracking time of self-compacting concrete (SCC). The free shrinkage, restrained shrinkage and strength were integrated to evaluate the effect of the mineral admixtures And the content of cementitious materials on shrinkage of SCC. The experimental results show that the initial cracking time of SCC incorporating fly ash was delayed, the shrinkage value and rate was reduced. The hydration achievement of silica fume increased free shrinkage and reduced initial cracking time of FA-SCC comparing to control sample, but silica fume improved the mechanical properties of FA-SCC in early age. As same strength, with the reducing the content of cementitious materials, the initial cracking time of SCC delayed and cracking sensitivity falling markedly, especially When the content of cementitious materials achieve 450 kg/m3.
1850年—农用马拉移动式蒸汽机用于农业。 1876年—开始使用蒸汽牵引机。 1892~1901年—出现煤气牵引试验样机。 1903年—煤气牵引机投入商品生产。 1904年—履带式牵引机问
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本文通过工农-12型手扶拖拉机配套驱动耙的设计计算和使用效果分析,论述了配套的可行性。 In this paper, through the design and calculation of the driving rake of wor
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