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昔日的中国首富黄光裕遭拘捕,迅速在中国宫场引发了多米诺骨牌效应,黄光裕身后的层层保护伞逐个亮相,被捕原因扑朔迷离。仅公安系统从中央到地方就有多名主管经侦的警官落马,受牵连的政界高官更不在少数。继触犯内幕交易罪、非法经营罪后,黄光裕再次涉嫌行贿罪,这一变数的背后或许意味着更多的官员将卷入其中。一个富豪的沉沦竟然引来如此多的官员应声落马,让我们尝到权力过度干预经济结出的恶果—触目惊心的腐败。从约束权力、规范权力入手,促使官员严守权力边界,不向资本臣服,也不威逼资本,减少官商勾结,是黄光裕案带给我们的沉重警示。 Former Huang Guangyu, the richest man in China, was arrested and quickly caused a domino effect in the Chinese palace. The layers of umbrellas behind Huang Guangyu appeared one after another. The reasons for the arrest were complicated and confusing. Only the public security system has a number of police officers in charge of the Economic Investigation Department from the central government to the local government. There are even more prominent political officials involved. Following the crime of insider trading crimes, Huang Guangyu suspected of bribery again after the crime of illegal business, behind this variable may mean that more officials will be involved. The sinking of a tycoon unexpectedly led to so many officials’ disappointments that we have tasted the consequences of excessive power intervention in the economy - shocking corruption. Starting from restraining power and standardizing power, prompting officials to strictly adhere to power boundaries, not surrendering capital, nor compelling capital to reduce collusion between officials and businessmen, is a heavy warning that Huang Guangyu brought to us.
普通法类比推理(reasoning by analogy)作为一种源远流长的裁判方法,长期以来不能免于司法界内外的质疑和批评,这与普通法类比推理是否存在相似性标准密不可分。也就是说,来
《储能科学与技术》(双月刊)(Energy Storage Science and Technology)是创刊于2012年的储能领域唯一的科学技术类专业刊物,国内统一刊号CN 10-1076/TK,国际标准刊号ISSN 209
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