
来源 :中学考试通讯(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mbranger
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根据近年来指导初中数学总复习的经验,结合近三年来我市中考数学试卷的命题精神,向初三学生谈几点建议。 一、深入体会教材,牢固掌握基础知识 我市近几年中考试题的最显著的特点是“源于课本,重视双基”。毕业卷中70%左右的试题是考查初三数学的基础知识和基本技能的;升学卷50%左右是考查整个初中阶段重点基础知识的。每年试题都有相当一部分是课本上的原题或原题的初步改造,甚至每年升学卷的最后一题,几乎都能从课本上找到它的“影子”。 Based on the experience of guiding the review of junior high school mathematics in recent years, combined with the propositional spirit of the city’s senior high school entrance examination mathematics test papers in recent three years, I have discussed several suggestions for junior high school students. First, in-depth understanding of teaching materials, a firm grasp of basic knowledge The most significant feature of the city in recent years, the examination questions are “originated from textbooks, pay attention to dual-base.” About 70% of the examination papers in the graduation volume are the basic knowledge and basic skills of the third grade mathematics examination; about 50% of the school roll is the basic basic knowledge of the entire junior middle school. Each year, a considerable part of the examination questions is the initial transformation of the original problem or the original problem in the textbook. Even the last question in the annual progression volume can be found almost in the textbook.
等到有一天同桌悄悄把纸条夹进你的日记,等到你的心胸在异性羞涩的目光中悸动时,你忽然醒悟你成熟了。于是,你背负理想、困惑和失落,走过人生的四季—— Wait until one da
Ⅰ 基础题(100分) 一、卷面书写(3分) 全卷书写规范、美观,得3分;书写整洁、笔画清楚,得2分;书写潦草,得1分;乱涂乱画的,不给卷面分。 二、基础知识及运用(20分) 1.选出加点
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新编初中物理第一册有19个小实险(不包括实验习题)如何利用这些小实验,将初二学生刚接触物理的好奇心引导到用正确的实验方法学习和研究物理上来。 The first volume of th
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