Between city and home: Spaces of transition in London Postwar Housing

来源 :建筑学研究前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyingying
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In the period between the idealistic vision of the’Reshaping society’and Thatcherism,in the so called’Swinging London’,the second wave of modism is facing the demands and the quantities of bombed cities.The architects of that season,moved by political ideals and interpreting the cultural ferment,have been responsible for shaping the city on the collective dreams and aspirations of the society and for forging the identity of London as unique experience in the intational panorama.This paper focuses on the spatial relations between city and home,how they raised in that specific historical context,in which form they realized,and what are the architectural implications for current design culture.The methodology,based both on the literature review and on the graphic comparison of six case-studies,is articulated in four steps.First,the six case-studies are selected according to specific criteria.Second,the sociohistorical background is reported.Third,the cases are shortly introduced using text descriptions and graphic tools.Fourth,the cases are compared.This process leads to the definition of four transversal architectural items:the density,the settlement patt,the basement,and the threshold,intended as elements able to raise connections between past and contemporary design culture.
(一)预测2009年养殖业走低,动保业联动下探动保业与养殖业关联性极强,处于价值链生态系统中的上下游,其行业整体发展直接受养殖业发展规模和 (I) Forecast of Lowering of L
摘 要:农业结构调整,使畜牧业养殖规模不断扩大,赢得了更加广阔的发展空间。在环保理念的指导下,对畜牧业养殖进行规范化管理,不仅是行业领域社会价值的体现,也是行业自身规范化发展的需要。  关键词:环保;绿色养殖;畜牧业;措施  一、绿色环保畜牧业推广意义  推广绿色环保的畜牧业養殖是响应生态环保化建设理念的重要措施之一,在保证生物污染无害化处理的过程中,推广绿色养殖,降低规模化养殖的污物排放,既可维