
来源 :福建乡土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenweili73924
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在近代中国历史上,福建是对外开放最早的区域之一。其作为中西文化的交汇点之一,与西学东渐和东学西播结下了不解之缘,以翻译表达为主的交流方式十分活跃,翻译人才辈出。有旅居法国、获法国皇家文库中文翻译家称号的译坛先驱黄加略,有精通五国语言的外交翻译家罗丰禄,有首倡“信达雅”翻译标准的西学大师严复,有东学西播第一人陈季同,有西方文学翻译家林纾等等。近代福建可谓译才济济,群英荟萃。但是一对译坛伉俪的事迹却鲜为人知,他们就是陈寿彭和薛绍徽。陈寿彭,(1855-?年),字逸如,是近代史上著名外交家、翻译家陈季同之弟。福建侯官(福州市)人,毕业于马尾船政学堂,1883年曾游学日本。回国 In the history of modern China, Fujian was one of the earliest regions to open to the outside world. As one of the meeting points of Chinese and Western cultures, it has formed an indissoluble bond with Eastward Learning of Western Learning and Westward Learning of East Learning. The mode of communication based mainly on translation and expression is very active and translators have a lot of talents. Huang Jialou, a translator who has lived in France and won the title of Chinese translator of the French royal library, and Luo Fenglu, a diplomat translator with five languages, Yan Fu, a Western master who initiated the translating standard of “Cinda” Chen Jiatong, the first person on the west broadcast, Lin Shu, a translator of western literature, and so on. Fujian can be described as the modern translation relief, cluster of galaxies. However, the deeds of a pair of transatlantic couples are less well known. They are Chen Shou-peng and Xue Shao-hui. Chen Shou-peng (1855-?), Yi Yuru, is a famous modern diplomat, translator Chen Jiatong brother. Fujian Hou officer (Fuzhou), graduated from Mawei Shipping School, 1883, had studied in Japan. Back home