
来源 :戏剧与影视评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyupengmei
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如果仅从对“戏剧性”的营造以及由此带来的剧场感染力来看,可以说,淮剧《小镇》(江苏省淮剧团)是当下主流戏剧中达到较高层次的作品。我甚至认为,其情节编织一波三折、悬念设置引人入胜,及对人的道德自律性的拷问,几乎达到了主流戏剧的极致。按理说,一部戏曲作品能够做到这些,已属难能可贵了;然而,坐在剧场中的我却始终未被打动,该剧带给我的审美感受始终有些无法形容的隔阂感。其原因究竟何在呢? If only from the creation of “dramatic” and the resulting theater appeal, it can be said that Huai Opera “Little Town” (Huai Opera Troupe of Jiangsu Province) is a work reaching a higher level in current mainstream drama. I even think that the plot weaves twists and turns, the suspense set fascinating, and the torture of people’s moral self-discipline, almost reached the extreme of the mainstream drama. It stands to reason, a drama work can do these, is already valuable; However, I was sitting in the theater has not been touched, the drama has brought me the aesthetic experience has always been some unspeakable sense of estrangement. The reason why exactly?
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