The Analysis of Sonnet 18

来源 :西江文艺·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyancuiceo
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  【abstract】:Shakespeare wrote many sonnets during his lifetime.Sonnet 18 is very famous.On the theme of this sonnet people diverge.Some people think it’s about friendship while others hold the view that it’s about love.In the following passage,I will talk something about the theme as well as the writing of this sonnet.
  【key words】: friendship  rhetorical device  atmosphere
  The theme of Sonnet18 is the beauty of Shakespeare’s friend-a young man and the confidence that the author has on his poem. The whole sonnet develops in the way that the author compares his friend with summer to show the perfect character of his friend. In the author’s opinion, the beauty of his friend is permanent and nothing will be superior to it. In the sonnet, the author utilizes many kinds of rhetorical devices so as to emphasis the beauty of his friend, such as contrast、metaphor、personification、inversion and exaggeration. The rhyme scheme is 3 quatrains and a couplet, which makes the whole sonnet rhythmic.
  In the first four lines, the author wants to compare his friend to summer. Although summer is comfortable and gentle, it is too short and sometimes the rough winds will shake the darling buds of May. The author uses the rhetorical device—contrast in this sentence. Compared with the summer, his friend is more lovely and temperate.
  In the next four lines, the author continues to point out the drawbacks of summer. To make the sonnet vivid, the author makes use of metaphor and personification. “The eye of heaven” refers to the sun and “his gold complexion” means “gold sunshine”. What’s more, the author also uses inversion to make the sonnet more appeal to the reader.
  In the following part, the author takes advantage of inversion to make the sonnet diversified,. ”Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade”. This is not only very catchy, but it also caters to the rules of rhyme. Besides, the rhetorical device of exaggeration is also used in this part. ”But thy eternal Summer shall not fade”, it is impossible that summer is eternal. The purpose of the author is to highlight that the beauty of his friend will last forever.
  The whole sonnet creates a pleasant atmosphere. Different from it, sonnet 71 is very pessimistic. The theme of it is death. In Sonnet18, the author is very confident that his poem will make his friend’s beauty permanent and everyone will remember it. However, in Sonnet71, he is pessimistic about his sonnet. He says “do not so much as my poor name rehearse” in the sonnet. On the one hand, poor emphasizes the poet’s sense of his own worthlessness. On the other hand, he is poor because of abandonment by the beloved. At the end of the sonnet, the author writes “and mock you with me after I am gone”, which means that the author is willing to be forgotten after his death. He doesn’t want his friends to be upset because of his poor name. Therefore, he desires to be forgotten.
  About the rhetorical devices, there are some rhetorical devices in the sonnet. For example, “when perhaps I am compounded with clay”, in the sentence, the author uses personification to make the sonnet vivid. Besides, there is irony used in the sonnet.
  In my opinion, at different time Shakespeare had different writing styles. With the development of his career, he will take more things into consideration. Sonnet18 was written in the early of his writing career. So its language is gracious and its atmosphere is elegant. It shows the beauty of the young man wholly. It models a beautiful man and a confident writer. While Sonnet71 was written in his later writing career, so it is totally different from Sonnet18 both in the themes and the writing styles.
【摘要】:景观标识是景观环境中必不可少的组成元素,不仅加强了人与环境的沟通,促进了人与环境的共生,且使我们所处的环境也因此变得更加有魅力。一个成功的景观标识会增加景观环境应有的价值,同样它也可以传播自己的特色文化特色,发挥自己的独特的作用。  【关键词】:景观标识;环境;一体化  景观标识泛指在景观环境中具有一定艺术美感,设置成特定功能并为环境所需的公共设施。在西方古罗马时代,标识系统已经较为发达
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【摘要】:1990年初,艺术家们用巨大的能量和高超的创造力去抓住他们的机会。90年代的广州,是中国最早开发的实验基地,有着浓厚的商业气息和务实精神,其中无不透露着人们的包容与开放。由陈劭雄、林一林、梁矩辉主创的“大尾象艺术工作组”在90年代的广州应运而生,他们代表着当时广州艺术家对于“艺术”和“当代”的态度。  【关键词】:90年代的广州,当代艺术,大尾象工作组  “大尾象”作为一个艺术工作小组成
作为“精神分析之父”,弗洛伊德的大名世人皆知。他是20世纪最具有影响力的思想家之一。他在精神病的困扰中,重新发现了人类心灵的隐秘。他用独创的方法治愈了自己,也给无数患者带来福音。他历经诽谤、战争、迫害与癌症,在人类文化的领地上留下了拓荒者的足迹。  20世纪初,西方史学理论呈现出多元化的特点。佛洛伊德运用精神分析方法,从达芬奇留下的大量的形式丰富的草图、文字资料和艺术作品中寻找蛛丝马迹,追根溯源至
我国的西部民族众多、地域广袤,在长期的历史变迁中孕育了灿烂的文化。西部文化具有地域性、多元性和原生态性,是中华文化的重要组成部分。西部大开发战略的实施,给西部民族文化的发展提供了广阔的舞台。抓住有利机遇,不断整合西部民族文化资源,对于推动西部区域经济和社会发展具有十分重要的意义。  我们今天所提及的“西部”实为“文化意义的西部 ” 也就是我们所说的“交叉性文化意义上的西部”这一特性我们可以从以下论
【摘要】:近年我国老龄人口的迅速增加,老年人的日常生活面临诸多问题而越来越需要受到人们的关注。而老年活动中心的建设就是为了解决老年人生活问题的场所,但现在的活动中心普遍缺乏特色,本文旨在研究通过中国传统文化——徽式建筑及景观文化来为老年人营造一个具有特色的活动中心,打造成老年人喜居的晚年家园和精神归宿。  【关键词】:老年活动中心;徽式  一、老年活动中心的概况分析  徽式老年活动中心基地位于中国
【摘要】:本文简述了固原市文化艺术中心、图书馆及文化馆建筑及景观设计构思,并从总体规划、单体建筑方案及景观构思等方面,引发人们对丝路文化背景下建筑景观的思考,展示出独特的文化底蕴及设计风格。  【关键词】:丝路文化;文化建筑;固原;景观  曾几何时,古丝绸之路将中原与西域紧密地联系在一起,并在历史长河中,写下了经济、艺术与文化交流的传奇篇章。如今,随着习近平主席提出建立“新丝绸之路经济带”的宏伟战
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【摘要】:随着社会的快速发展,长笛在音乐的演奏中也逐渐的占据主导地位。长笛的音色不仅悠长而且动听,其具有很强的表现力和穿透力。在音乐演奏中,是一种不可或缺的演奏乐器。其在交响乐以及管乐队中都有着很广泛的应用。因此,在进行长笛演奏过程中,对其音色进行正确的处理以及分析十分关键。本文主要针对在长笛演奏中,对其音色的处理以及把握进行了具体的分析。并对音色的把握以及处理方法提出了具体的对策。  【关键词】