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目的:观察梅毒患者外周血单核细胞(PBMC)表面Toll样受体2、6(TLR2,TLR6)的表达变化及其意义。方法:选取显性梅毒患者87例,采用流式细胞仪检测外周血单核细胞表面TLR2、TLR6蛋白表达水平(荧光强度)以及TLR2阳性细胞率,并与50例健康者作为对照组进行比较。结果:显性梅毒患者组与对照组比较:患者外周血单核细胞TLR2、TLR6的表达水平均明显升高,TLR2高于TLR6,且一期梅毒患者低于二期梅毒患者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);TLR2+CD14+、TLR6+CD14+细胞的阳性率低于对照组,且一期梅毒患者低于二期梅毒患者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);MFI(TLR2)与TLR2+CD14+阳性率、MFI(TLR6)与TLR6+CD14+阳性率,在整个研究对象群体中无明显相关性(r=0.096、r=0.089,P>0.05),但在显性梅毒患者中呈正相关(r=0.813、r=0.752,P<0.05);所有的差异与性别无关,但与年龄有关。结论:梅毒患者TLR2与TLR6的表达显著上调,与病程和免疫状态有关,与性别无关。 Objective: To observe the changes of TLR2 and TLR6 on the surface of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in patients with syphilis and its significance. Methods: 87 patients with dominant syphilis were selected. The expressions of TLR2 and TLR6 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells were measured by flow cytometry (FCM), and the percentage of TLR2 positive cells was compared with that of 50 healthy controls. Results: Compared with control group, the levels of TLR2 and TLR6 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with dominant syphilis were significantly higher than those of TLR6, and the level of TLR2 in patients with primary syphilis was lower than that of patients with secondary syphilis (P <0.05). The positive rate of TLR2 + CD14 +, TLR6 + CD14 + cells was lower than that of the control group, and the first stage syphilis patients were lower than the second stage syphilis patients, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05) (R = 0.096, r = 0.089, P> 0.05). However, in patients with dominant syphilis, there was no significant correlation between TLR2 and TLR2 + CD14 positive rate, MFI TLR6 and TLR6 + CD14 positive rate in the whole study population (R = 0.813, r = 0.752, P <0.05). All the differences were not related to sex but age-related. Conclusion: The expression of TLR2 and TLR6 in syphilis patients was significantly up-regulated, which was related to the course of disease and immune status, and had no relation with sex.
颁奖词    他反对全能政府对市场资源的配置方式,认为行政权力与企业的结合会导致不公平和腐败,同时呼吁重启改革议程。并进行政治体制改革。    作为百年企业招商局集团的掌舵者,秦晓算得上是国企领导人中的另类。  2009年以来,秦晓对中国政府大规模的救市方案显得有些忧心忡忡,认为这剂猛药中带副作用,中长期看会恶化结构失衡和粗放的经济增长模式。2009年三季度经济统计数据一出,秦晓便在外媒撰文,呼吁
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