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本文研究了一种适合于高可靠继电器要求的弹性接点材料,提高继电器的可靠性,以适应国防工业现代化的需要。主要通过在银镁镍合金中加入稀土元素、调正合金中镁的含量、改进合金的内氧化工艺等三个途径开展研究工作。共配制了六种不同成份的合金,经不同制度的内氧化后,分别测量了各种合金的强度极限、延伸率、显微硬度、弹性模量、冷弯曲次数及电阻率等机械物理性能。着重研究了六号合金.经800℃处理后,测量了85、125和200℃的高温性能;在不同氧化温度处理后,用X射线衍射方法测量了晶格常数。制成了不同工艺条件的各种合金样品,在JCCS-2型触点寿命试验机上作了寿命及可靠性试验。同时还测量了各种负荷下的接触电阻及室温额定负荷下的触点转移量。试验结果证明:800℃内氧化处理的AgMgNi-0.27-0.18合金综合性能好,机械性能为H_v=158kg/mm~2,σ_b=50kg/mm~2,δ=16.5%,E=8050-8670kg/mm~2,冷弯曲次数n≥12次。电阻率ρ=2.65μΩ-Cm;室温、85、125℃、28V×2A,28V×0.1A下,六组34对触点各动作十万次无一次失效。接触电阻,转移量等均满足用户要求,解决了簧片断裂和粘结等问题,提高了继电器的可靠性。该材料的机械物理性能指标达到七十年代同类合金的世界先进水平。为了阐明该合金具有良好综合性能的原因,本文从强度、塑性、弹性、电性能和热稳定性及氧化温度、晶格常数、组织结构的关系进行了较全面的分析,尤其对合金性能与氧化物粒子的形态及分布的关系进行了探讨。综上所述,AgMgNi-0.27~0.18合金,经800℃处理后,可做为高可靠继电器弹性接点材料使用。该合金用于单边电台,曾获国家80年银质奖章。 This paper studies a flexible contact material suitable for high reliability relays to improve the reliability of relays in order to meet the needs of national defense industry modernization. Mainly through the addition of rare earth elements in silver-magnesium-nickel alloy, adjusting the magnesium content of the alloy, improve the internal oxidation of the alloy three ways to carry out research work. A total of six different alloy components were prepared, and the mechanical properties of various alloys such as strength limit, elongation, microhardness, elastic modulus, cold bending frequency and electrical resistivity were measured after internal oxidation by different systems. The study focused on the alloy No. 6. The high temperature properties of 85, 125 and 200 ℃ were measured after the treatment at 800 ℃, and the lattice constants were measured by X-ray diffraction after different oxidation temperatures. Made of different process conditions of various alloy samples, JCCS-2-type contact life test machine made of life and reliability test. Also measured under various load contact resistance and room temperature load rating under the contact transfer. The results show that the mechanical properties of the AgMgNi-0.27-0.18 alloy treated at 800 ℃ are Hv = 158kg / mm ~ 2, σ_b = 50kg / mm ~ 2, δ = 16.5%, E = 8050-8670kg / mm ~ 2, the number of cold bending n ≥ 12 times. Resistivity ρ = 2.65μΩ-Cm; at room temperature, 85,125 ℃, 28V × 2A, 28V × 0.1A, six groups of 34 pairs of contacts each action 100,000 times without failure. Contact resistance, the amount of transfer, and so meet the user requirements, to solve the reed fracture and bonding problems and improve the reliability of the relay. The mechanical properties of the material reached the world’s advanced level of similar alloys in the seventies. In order to elucidate the reasons for the good overall properties of this alloy, this paper has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the relationship among strength, plasticity, elasticity, electrical and thermal stability, oxidation temperature, lattice constant and microstructure, especially on the properties of the alloy Particle morphology and distribution of the relationship were discussed. In summary, AgMgNi-0.27 ~ 0.18 alloy, after 800 ℃ treatment, can be used as a highly reliable relay contact material flexibility. The alloy for unilateral radio, won the 80 silver medal.
以前经常看金庸先生的小说,很难领会武 功化境之奥妙。这几日看了金庸先生的《围棋 杂谈》后有所感悟,文曰:“牵一发而动全身, 四面八方,几百只棋子每一只都有关联,复杂 之极