
来源 :中国印刷与包装研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaolongyang
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由中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所主办的第三届全国印刷电子技术研讨会(3~(rd) National Printed Electronics Symposium)将于9月13~15日在苏州举行。本次会议议题包括可印刷电子材料的合成、制备和表 The 3rd National Printed Electronics Symposium, hosted by the Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology and Nanoscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, will be held from September 13 to September 15 in Suzhou. The conference topics include the synthesis, preparation and tabulation of printable electronic materials
近十多年来,新型的子午线轮胎已逐步取代旧式普通斜交线轮胎,除了在橡胶材料、配方等方面不同外,在轮胎结构方面,新型轮胎具有以下特点: 1.帘线采用子午线布置普通斜交线轮
The left-handed nonlinear transmission line(LH-NLTL) based on monolithic microwave integrated circuit(MMIC) technology possesses significant advantages such as
The binding energy,electronic structure and optical properties of H-,H 3 C-,and HS-cluster-passivated ultrathin silicon (single-layer and double-layer) nanoshee
“长尾”(The Long Tail)这一概念是由美国《连线》(Wired)杂志主编安德森(Chris Anderson)在2004年10月的“The Long Tail”一文中提出来的。安德森通过对美国新兴数字企业
A new compact bandpass filter based on two meandered parallel-coupled lines of different lengths in shunt is presented, using the signal-interference technique,
This paper proposes to develop a data-driven via’s depth estimator of the deep reactive ion etching process based on statistical identification of key variable
The energy levels, wave functions and the second-order nonlinear susceptibilities are calculated in GaAs/Al0.2Ga0.8As/Al0.5Ga0.5As asymmetric quantum well (AQW)