A survey study on motivations for citation:A case study on periodicals research and library and info

来源 :Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:htech888
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A large number of theoretical and empirical studies on citation behavior have been conducted internationally.Although some theoretical studies on such topic have been carried out in China,few studies have focused specifically on this area from an empirical perspective,resulting in the lack of literature on the findings of actual surveys.To address this challenge,we conducted two questionnaire surveys to understand the motivations of the researchers on citation.One survey covers the authors who published articles in Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,while the other targets the most productive and most cited Chinese authors in library and information science.The results show that citation behavior is not only motivated by rational factors,but also by other social factors. A large number of theoretical and empirical studies on been studied internationally. Some theoretical studies on such topics have been carried out in China, few studies have focused specifically on this area from an empirical perspective. Resulting in the lack of literature on the findings of actual surveys.To address this challenge, we conducted two surveys to understand the motivations of the researchers on citation. One survey covers the authors who published articles in Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, while the other targets the most productive and most cited Chinese authors in library and information science. The results show that citation behavior is not only motivated by rational factors, but also by other social factors.
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